The Arabic Learners Written Corpus is an extensive Arabic learner collection comprising numerous written samples produced by L2 and heritage students, collected over 15 years of teaching. They were transcribed into a database with cross-referenced categories according to level (beginning, intermediate, advanced), learner (L2 vs. heritage), and genre (description, narration, instruction). The corpus serves as a source of empirical data for hypothesis testing as well as a resource for developing materials for teaching Arabic.

Description: Developed by Dr. Samira Farwaneh (University of Arizona), this extensive Arabic learner corpus comprises numerous written samples produced by L2 and heritage students, collected over 15 years of teaching. They were transcribed into a database with cross-referenced categories according to level (beginning, intermediate, advanced), learner (L2 vs. heritage), and genre (description, narration, instruction). The corpus serves as a source of empirical data for hypothesis testing as well as a resource for developing materials for teaching Arabic. A Spring 2010 workshop/demonstration took place at the Western Consortium of Middle East National Resource Centers’ Language Workshop.

This project is a collaboration between the Center for Educational Resources in Culture, Language and Literacy (CERCLL) and the Center for Middle Eastern Studies (CMES) at the University of Arizona, and the Center for Advanced Language Proficiency Education and Research (CALPER) at Pennsylvania State University.

Title Type Level Student Background Writing Setting
Ad Author 1 L2 Advanced Third Year Reflection Description Description Advanced 3rd Year L2 Reflection
Ad Author 2 L2 Advanced Third Year Reflection Description Description Advanced 3rd Year L2 Reflection
Ad Author 3 Heritage Advanced Third Year Reflection Description Description Advanced 3rd Year Heritage Reflection
Ad Author 4 L2 Advanced Third Year Reflection Description Description Advanced 3rd Year L2 Reflection
Ad Author 5 L2 Advanced Third Year Reflection Description Description Advanced 3rd Year L2 Reflection
Ad Author 6 L2 Advanced Third Year Reflection Description Description Advanced 3rd Year L2 Reflection
Best LectureAuthor 1L1-RussianAdvanced 4th YearSpontaneous Narrative/Opinion NarrationOpinion Advanced 4th Year L2 Spontaneous
Best LectureAuthor 10L2Advanced 4th YearSpontaneous Narrative/Opinion NarrationOpinion Advanced 4th Year L2 Spontaneous
Best LectureAuthor 11L2Advanced 4th YearSpontaneous Narrative/Opinion NarrationOpinion Advanced 4th Year L2 Spontaneous
Best LectureAuthor 2L2Advanced 4th YearSpontaneous Narrative/Opinion NarrationOpinion Advanced 4th Year L2 Spontaneous
Best LectureAuthor 3L2Advanced 4th YearSpontaneous Narrative/Opinion NarrationOpinion Advanced 4th Year L2 Spontaneous
Best LectureAuthor 4L2Advanced 4th YearSpontaneous Narrative/Opinion NarrationOpinion Advanced 4th Year L2 Spontaneous
Best LectureAuthor 5L2Advanced 4th YearSpontaneous Narrative/Opinion NarrationOpinion Advanced 4th Year L2 Spontaneous
Best LectureAuthor 6L1-SpanishAdvanced 4th YearSpontaneous Narrative/Opinion NarrationOpinion Advanced 4th Year L2 Spontaneous
Best LectureAuthor 7L2Advanced 4th YearSpontaneous Narrative/Opinion NarrationOpinion Advanced 4th Year L2 Spontaneous
Best LectureAuthor 8L2Advanced 4th YearSpontaneous Narrative/Opinion NarrationOpinion Advanced 4th Year L2 Spontaneous
Best LectureAuthor 9L2Advanced 4th YearSpontaneous Narrative/Opinion NarrationOpinion Advanced 4th Year L2 Spontaneous
Child Rearing Author 1 L2 Intermediate Reflection Opinion Opinion Intermediate L2 Reflection
Child Rearing Author 2 L2 Intermediate Reflection Opinion Opinion Intermediate L2 Reflection
Child Rearing Author 3 L2 Intermediate Reflection Opinion Opinion Intermediate L2 Reflection
College Author 1 L2 Intermediate Reflection Instruction Instruction Intermediate L2 Reflection
College Author 2 L2 Intermediate Reflection Instruction Instruction Intermediate L2 Reflection
College Author 3 L2 Intermediate Reflection Instruction Instruction Intermediate L2 Reflection
College Author 4 L2-L1 German Intermediate Reflection Instruction Instruction Intermediate L2 Reflection
College Author 5 L2 Intermediate Reflection Instruction Instruction Intermediate L2 Reflection
College Author 6 L2 Intermediate Reflection Instruction Instruction Intermediate L2 Reflection
College Author 7 L2 Intermediate Reflection Instruction Instruction Intermediate L2 Reflection
CounterpointAuthor 1L2Advanced 3rd YearReflectionNarrative/Opinion NarrationOpinion Advanced 3rd Year L2 Spontaneous
Current events 1.Author 2.L2.advanced.opinion.spontaneous Opinion Advanced 3rd Year L2 Spontaneous
Current events 1.Author 3.L2.advanced.opinion.spontaneous Opinion Advanced 3rd Year L2 Spontaneous
Current events 1.Author 4.L2.advanced.opinion.spontaneous Opinion Advanced 3rd Year L2 Spontaneous
Current events 1.Author 7.L2.advanced.opinion.spontaneous Opinion Advanced 3rd Year L2 Spontaneous
Current events 1.Author 8.L2.advanced.opinion.spontaneous Opinion Advanced 3rd Year L2 Spontaneous
Current events 2 .Author 15. L2.advanced.opinion.spontaneous Opinion Advanced 3rd Year L2 Spontaneous
Current events 2 Author 6. L2.advanced.opinion.spontaneous Opinion Advanced 3rd Year L2 Spontaneous
Current events 2 Author 7. Heritage.advanced.opinion.spontaneous Opinion Advanced 3rd Year Heritage Spontaneous
Current events 2. Author 1.L2.advanced.opinion.spontaneous Opinion Advanced 3rd Year L2 Spontaneous
Current events 2.Author 10. L2.advanced.opinion.spontaneous Opinion Advanced 3rd Year L2 Spontaneous
Current events 2.Author 11. L2.advanced.opinion.spontaneous Opinion Advanced 3rd Year L2 Spontaneous
Current events 2.Author 12. L2.advanced.opinion.spontaneous Opinion Advanced 3rd Year L2 Spontaneous
Current events 2.Author 13. L2.advanced.opinion.spontaneous Opinion Advanced 3rd Year L2 Spontaneous
Current events 2.Author 14. L2.advanced.opinion.spontaneous Opinion Advanced 3rd Year L2 Spontaneous
Current events 2.Author 16. L2.advanced.opinion.spontaneous Opinion Advanced 3rd Year L2 Spontaneous
Current events 2.Author 17. L2.advanced.opinion.spontaneous Opinion Advanced 3rd Year L2 Spontaneous
Current events 2.Author 18. L2.advanced.opinion.spontaneous Opinion Advanced 3rd Year L2 Spontaneous
Current events 2.Author 2. L2.advanced.opinion.spontaneous Opinion Advanced 3rd Year L2 Spontaneous
Current events 2.Author 3. L2.advanced.opinion.spontaneous Opinion Advanced 3rd Year L2 Spontaneous
Current events 2.Author 4. L2.advanced.opinion.spontaneous Opinion Advanced 3rd Year L2 Spontaneous
Current events 2.Author 5. L2.advanced.opinion.spontaneous Opinion Advanced 3rd Year L2 Spontaneous
Current events 2.Author 5.L2.advanced.opinion.spontaneous Opinion Advanced 3rd Year L2 Spontaneous
Current events 2.Author 6.L2.advanced.opinion.spontaneous Opinion Advanced 3rd Year L2 Spontaneous
Current events 2.Author 8. L2.advanced.opinion.spontaneous Opinion Advanced 3rd Year L2 Spontaneous
Current events 2.Author 9. L2.advanced.opinion.spontaneous Opinion Advanced 3rd Year L2 Spontaneous
Current events1.Author 1.L2.advanced.opinion.spontaneous Opinion Advanced 3rd Year L2 Spontaneous
Current events1.Author 1.L2.advanced.opinion.spontaneous Opinion Advanced 3rd Year L2 Spontaneous
Current events1.Author 10.L2.advanced.opinion.spontaneous Opinion Advanced 3rd Year L2 Spontaneous
Current events1.Author 12.L2.advanced.opinion.spontaneous Opinion Advanced 3rd Year L2 Spontaneous
Current events1.Author 13.L2.advanced.opinion.spontaneous Opinion Advanced 3rd Year L2 Spontaneous
Current events1.Author 14.L2.advanced.opinion.spontaneous Opinion Advanced 3rd Year L2 Spontaneous
Current events1.Author 15.L2.advanced.opinion.spontaneous Opinion Advanced 3rd Year L2 Spontaneous
Current events1.Author 16.L2.advanced.opinion.spontaneous Opinion Advanced 3rd Year L2 Spontaneous
Current events1.Author 17.L2.advanced.opinion.spontaneous Opinion Advanced 3rd Year L2 Spontaneous
Current events1.Author 18.L2.advanced.opinion.spontaneous Opinion Advanced 3rd Year L2 Spontaneous
Current events1.Author 19.L2.advanced.opinion.spontaneous Opinion Advanced 3rd Year L2 Spontaneous
Current events1.Author 2.L2.advanced.opinion.spontaneous Opinion Advanced 3rd Year L2 Spontaneous
Current events1.Author 20.L2.advanced.opinion.spontaneous Opinion Advanced 3rd Year L2 Spontaneous
Current events1.Author 22.L2.advanced.opinion.spontaneous Opinion Advanced 3rd Year L2 Spontaneous
Current events1.Author 24.L2.advanced.opinion.spontaneous Opinion Advanced 3rd Year L2 Spontaneous
Current events1.Author 26.L2.advanced.opinion.spontaneous Opinion Advanced 3rd Year L2 Spontaneous
Current events1.Author 3.L2.advanced.opinion.spontaneous Opinion Advanced 3rd Year L2 Spontaneous
Current events1.Author 4.L2.advanced.opinion.spontaneous Opinion Advanced 3rd Year L2 Spontaneous
Current events1.Author 5.L2.advanced.opinion.spontaneous Opinion Advanced 3rd Year L2 Spontaneous
Current events1.Author 6.L2.advanced.opinion.spontaneous Opinion Advanced 3rd Year L2 Spontaneous
Current events1.Author 7.L2.advanced.opinion.spontaneous Opinion Advanced 3rd Year L2 Spontaneous
Current events1.Author 8. heritage .advanced.opinion.spontaneous Opinion Advanced 3rd Year Heritage Spontaneous
Diary.Author 1.Heritage.Intermediate. Narrative.Reflection Narration Intermediate Heritage Reflection
Diary.Author 10.Heritage.Intermediate. Narrative.Reflection Narration Intermediate Heritage Reflection
Diary.Author 11.Heritage.Intermediate. Narrative.Reflection Narration Intermediate Heritage Reflection
Diary.Author 12.Heritage.Intermediate. Narrative.Reflection Narration Intermediate Heritage Reflection
Diary.Author 2 .Heritage.Intermediate. Narrative.Reflection Narration Intermediate Heritage Reflection
Diary.Author 3.Heritage.Intermediate. Narrative.Reflection Narration Intermediate Heritage Reflection
Diary.Author 4.Heritage.Intermediate. Narrative.Reflection Narration Intermediate Heritage Reflection
Diary.Author 5.Heritage.Intermediate. Narrative.Reflection Narration Intermediate Heritage Reflection
Diary.Author 6.Heritage.Intermediate. Narrative.Reflection Narration Intermediate Heritage Reflection
Diary.Author 7.Heritage.Intermediate. Narrative.Reflection Narration Intermediate Heritage Reflection
Diary.Author 8.Heritage.Intermediate. Narrative.Reflection Narration Intermediate Heritage Reflection
Diary.Author 9.Heritage.Intermediate. Narrative.Reflection Narration Intermediate Heritage Reflection
Diary2.Author 1.Heritage. Intermediate.Narrative.Reflection Narration Intermediate Heritage Reflection
Diary2.Author 2.Heritage. Intermediate.Narrative.Reflection Narration Intermediate Heritage Reflection
Diary2.Author 3.Heritage. Intermediate.Narrative.Reflection Narration Intermediate Heritage Reflection
Diary2.Author 4.Heritage. Intermediate.Narrative.Reflection Narration Intermediate Heritage Reflection
Diary2.Author 5.Heritage. Intermediate.Narrative.Reflection Narration Intermediate Heritage Reflection
Diary2.Author 6.Heritage. Intermediate.Narrative.Reflection Narration Intermediate Heritage Reflection
Diary2.Author 7.Heritage. Intermediate.Narrative.Reflection Narration Intermediate Heritage Reflection
Diglossia Author 1 Heritage Advanced third year Spontaneous Description Description Advanced 3rd Year L2 Spontaneous
Diglossia Author 2 L2 Advanced third year Spontaneous Description Description Advanced 3rd Year L2 Spontaneous
Diglossia Author 3 L2 Advanced third year Spontaneous Description Description Advanced 3rd Year L2 Spontaneous
Diglossia Author 4 L2 Advanced third year Spontaneous Description Description Advanced 3rd Year L2 Spontaneous
EssaysAuthor 1L2Advanced 4th YearNarrativeReflection Narration Advanced 4th Year L2 Reflection
EssaysAuthor 2L2Advanced 4th YearNarrativeReflection Narration Advanced 4th Year L2 Reflection
Finjan Author 1 L2 Intermediate Reflection Opinion Opinion Intermediate L2 Reflection
Finjan Author 2 L2 Intermediate Reflection Opinion Opinion Intermediate L2 Reflection
Finjan Author 3 L2 Intermediate Reflection Opinion Opinion Intermediate L2 Reflection
General Lecture 4 Author 1 L2 Advanced year 4 Reflection Opinion Opinion Advanced 4th Year L2 Reflection
General Lecture1 Author 1 L2 Advanced year 4 Reflection Opinion Opinion Advanced 4th Year L2 Reflection
General Lecture1 Author 2 L2 Advanced year 4 Reflection Opinion Opinion Advanced 4th Year L2 Reflection
General Lecture1 Author 3 L2 Advanced year 4 Reflection Opinion Opinion Advanced 3rd Year Heritage Spontaneous
General Lecture1 Author 4 L2 Advanced year 4 Reflection Opinion Opinion Advanced 4th Year L2 Reflection
General Lecture1 Author 5 L2 Advanced year 4 Reflection Opinion Opinion Advanced 4th Year L2 Spontaneous
General Lecture1 Author 6 L2 Advanced year 4 Reflection Opinion Opinion Advanced 4th Year L2 Reflection
General Lecture1 Author 7 L2 Advanced year 4 Reflection Opinion Opinion Advanced 4th Year L2 Reflection
General Lecture2 Author 1 L2 Advanced year 4 Reflection Opinion Opinion Advanced 4th Year L2 Reflection
General Lecture2 Author 2 L2 Advanced year 4 Reflection Opinion Opinion Advanced 4th Year L2 Reflection
General Lecture2 Author 3 L2 Advanced year 4 Reflection Opinion Opinion Advanced 4th Year L2 Reflection
General Lecture2 Author 4 L2 Advanced year 4 Reflection Opinion Opinion Advanced 4th Year L2 Reflection
General Lecture2 Author 5 L2 Advanced year 4 Reflection Opinion Opinion Advanced 4th Year L2 Reflection
General Lecture2 Author 6 L2 Advanced year 4 Reflection Opinion Opinion Advanced 4th Year L2 Reflection
General Lecture2 Author 7 L2 Advanced year 4 Reflection Opinion Opinion Advanced 4th Year L2 Reflection
General Lecture3 Author 1 L2 Advanced year 4 Reflection Opinion Opinion Advanced 4th Year L2 Reflection
General Lecture3 Author 2 L2 Advanced year 4 Reflection Opinion Opinion Advanced 4th Year L2 Reflection
General Lecture3 Author 3 L2 Advanced year 4 Reflection Opinion Opinion Advanced 4th Year L2 Reflection
General Lecture3 Author 4 L2 Advanced year 4 Reflection Opinion Opinion Advanced 4th Year L2 Reflection
General Lecture3 Author 5 L2 Advanced year 4 Reflection Opinion Opinion Advanced 4th Year L2 Reflection
General Lecture3 Author 6 L2 Advanced year 4 Reflection Opinion Opinion Advanced 4th Year L2 Reflection
General Lecture3 Author 7 L2 Advanced year 4 Reflection Opinion Opinion Advanced 4th Year L2 Reflection
General Lecture4 Author 10 L2 Advanced year 4 Reflection Opinion Opinion Advanced 4th Year L2 Reflection
General Lecture4 Author 2 L2 Advanced year 4 Reflection Opinion Opinion Advanced 4th Year L2 Reflection
General Lecture4 Author 3 L2 Advanced year 4 Reflection Opinion Opinion Advanced 4th Year L2 Reflection
General Lecture4 Author 4 L2 Advanced year 4 Reflection Opinion Opinion Advanced 4th Year L2 Reflection
General Lecture4 Author 5 L2 Advanced year 4 Reflection Opinion Opinion Advanced 4th Year L2 Reflection
General Lecture4 Author 6 L2 Advanced year 4 Reflection Opinion Opinion Advanced 4th Year L2 Reflection
General Lecture4 Author 7 L2 Advanced year 4 Reflection Opinion Opinion Advanced 4th Year L2 Reflection
General Lecture4 Author 8 L2 Advanced year 4 Reflection Opinion OpinionInstruction Advanced 4th Year L2 Reflection
General Lecture4 Author 9 L2 Advanced year 4 Reflection Opinion Opinion Advanced 4th Year L2 Reflection
General Lecture5 Author 1 L2 Advanced year 4 Reflection Opinion Opinion Advanced 4th Year L2 Reflection
General Lecture5 Author 10 L2 Advanced year 4 Reflection Opinion Opinion Advanced 4th Year L2 Reflection
General Lecture5 Author 2 L2 Advanced year 4 Reflection Opinion Opinion Advanced 4th Year L2 Reflection
General Lecture5 Author 3 L2 Advanced year 4 Reflection Opinion Opinion Advanced 4th Year L2 Reflection
General Lecture5 Author 4 L2 Advanced year 4 Reflection Opinion Opinion Advanced 4th Year L2 Reflection
General Lecture5 Author 5 L2 Advanced year 4 Reflection Opinion Opinion Advanced 4th Year L2 Reflection
General Lecture5 Author 6 L2 Advanced year 4 Reflection Opinion Opinion Advanced 4th Year L2 Reflection
General Lecture5 Author 7 L2 Advanced year 4 Reflection Opinion Opinion Advanced 4th Year L2 Reflection
General Lecture5 Author 8 L2 Advanced year 4 Reflection Opinion Opinion Advanced 4th Year L2 Reflection
General Lecture5 Author 9 L2 Advanced year 4 Reflection Opinion Opinion Advanced 4th Year L2 Reflection
General Lecture6 Author 1 L2 Advanced year 4 Reflection Opinion Opinion Advanced 4th Year L2 Spontaneous
General Lecture6 Author 2 L2 Advanced year 4 Reflection Opinion Opinion Advanced 4th Year L2 Reflection
General Lecture6 Author 3 L2 Advanced year 4 Reflection Opinion Opinion Advanced 4th Year L2 Reflection
Hammam Author 1 L2 Advanced 3rd year Spontaneous Description Description Advanced 3rd Year L2 Spontaneous
Hammam Author 2 L2 Advanced 3rd year Spontaneous Description Description Advanced 3rd Year L2 Spontaneous
Hammam Author 3 L2 Advanced 3rd year Spontaneous Description Description Advanced 3rd Year L2 Spontaneous
Hammam Author 4 L2 Advanced 3rd year Spontaneous Description Description Advanced 3rd Year L2 Spontaneous
Hammam Author 5 L2 Advanced 3rd year Spontaneous Description Description Advanced 3rd Year L2 Spontaneous
Hussein and Shawqi Author 1 L2 Intermediate comparison Reflection Comparison Intermediate L2 Reflection
Hussein and Shawqi Author 2 L2 Intermediate comparison Reflection Comparison Intermediate L2 Reflection
Incident.Author 1.L2.Intermediate.Narrative.spontaneous Narration Intermediate L2 Spontaneous
Incident.Author 10.L2.Intermediate.Narrative.spontaneous Narration Intermediate L2 Spontaneous
Incident.Author 11.L2.Intermediate.Narrative.spontaneous Narration Intermediate L2 Spontaneous
Incident.Author 12.L2.Intermediate.Narrative.spontaneous Narration Intermediate L2 Spontaneous
Incident.Author 13.L2.Intermediate.Narrative.spontaneous Narration Intermediate L2 Spontaneous
Incident.Author 14. Heritage.Intermediate.Narrative.spontaneous Narration Advanced 3rd Year Heritage Spontaneous
Incident.Author 15.L2.Intermediate.Narrative.spontaneous Narration Intermediate L2 Spontaneous
Incident.Author 16.L2.Intermediate.Narrative.spontaneous Narration Intermediate L2 Spontaneous
Incident.Author 17.L2.Intermediate.Narrative.spontaneous Narration Intermediate L2 Spontaneous
Incident.Author 18.L2. L1-Persian. Intermediate.Narrative.spontaneous Narration Intermediate L2 Spontaneous
Incident.Author 19.L2.Intermediate.Narrative.spontaneous Narration Intermediate L2 Spontaneous
Incident.Author 2.L2.Intermediate.Narrative.spontaneous Narration Intermediate L2 Spontaneous
Incident.Author 20.Heritage.Intermediate.Narrative.spontaneous Narration Intermediate Heritage Spontaneous
Incident.Author 21.Heritage.Intermediate.Narrative.spontaneous Narration Intermediate Heritage Spontaneous
Incident.Author 22.L2.L1-Persian.Intermediate.Narrative.spontaneous Narration Intermediate L2 Spontaneous
Incident.Author 23.L2.L1-Pulgarian.Intermediate.Narrative.spontaneous Narration Intermediate L2 Spontaneous
Incident.Author 24.L2.Intermediate.Narrative.spontaneous Narration Intermediate L2 Spontaneous
Incident.Author 25.L2.Intermediate.Narrative.spontaneous Narration Intermediate L2 Spontaneous
Incident.Author 3.L2.Intermediate.Narrative.spontaneous Narration Intermediate L2 Spontaneous
Incident.Author 4.L2.Intermediate.Narrative.spontaneous Narration Intermediate L2 Spontaneous
Incident.Author 5.L2.Intermediate.Narrative.spontaneous Narration Intermediate L2 Spontaneous
Incident.Author 6.L2.Intermediate.Narrative.spontaneous Narration Intermediate L2 Spontaneous
Incident.Author 7.L2.Intermediate.Narrative.spontaneous Narration Intermediate L2 Spontaneous
Incident.Author 8.L2.Intermediate.Narrative.spontaneous Narration Intermediate L2 Spontaneous
Incident.Author 9.L2.Intermediate.Narrative.spontaneous Narration Intermediate L2 Spontaneous
Journal Author 1 L2 Intermediate Narrative Reflection Narration Intermediate L2 Reflection
Journal Author 2 L2 Intermediate Narrative Reflection Narration Intermediate L2 Reflection
Journal Author 3 L2 Intermediate Narrative Reflection Narration Intermediate L2 Reflection
Journal Author 4 L2 Intermediate Narrative Reflection Narration Intermediate L2 Reflection
Journal Author 5 L2 Intermediate Narrative Reflection Narration Intermediate L2 Reflection
Journal Author 6 L2 L1-Turkish Intermediate Narrative Reflection Narration Intermediate L2 Reflection
Juha Author 1 L2 Intermediate Reflection Opinion Opinion Intermediate L2 Reflection
Juha Author 2 L2 Intermediate Reflection Opinion Opinion Intermediate L2 Reflection
Juha Author 3 L2 Intermediate Reflection Opinion Opinion Intermediate Heritage Reflection
Juha Author 4 L2 Intermediate Reflection Opinion Opinion Intermediate L2 Reflection
Juha Author 5 L2 Intermediate Reflection Opinion Opinion Intermediate L2 Reflection
Juha Author 6 L2 Intermediate Reflection Opinion Opinion Intermediate L2 Reflection
Juha Author 7 L2 Intermediate Reflection Opinion Opinion Intermediate L2 Reflection
Juha Author 8 L2 Intermediate Reflection Opinion Opinion Intermediate L2 Reflection
Lecture ReviewAuthor 1.AL2Advanced 4th YearNarrativeReflection/Opinion Narration Advanced 4th Year L2 Reflection
Lecture ReviewAuthor 1.BL2Advanced 4th YearNarrativeReflection/Opinion NarrationOpinion Advanced 4th Year L2 Reflection
Lecture ReviewAuthor 1.CL2Advanced 4th YearNarrativeReflection/Opinion NarrationOpinion Advanced 4th Year L2 Reflection
Lecture ReviewAuthor 2.AL2Advanced 4th YearNarrativeReflection/Opinion NarrationOpinion Advanced 4th Year L2 Reflection
Lecture ReviewAuthor 2.BL2Advanced 4th YearNarrativeReflection/Opinion NarrationOpinion Advanced 4th Year L2 Reflection
Lecture ReviewAuthor 2.CL2Advanced 4th YearNarrativeReflection/Opinion NarrationOpinion Advanced 4th Year L2 Reflection
Lecture ReviewAuthor 3.AHeritageAdvanced 4th YearNarrativeReflection/Opinion NarrationOpinion Advanced 4th Year L2 Reflection
Lecture ReviewAuthor 3.BHeritageAdvanced 4th YearNarrativeReflection/Opinion NarrationOpinion Advanced 4th Year L2 Reflection
Lecture ReviewAuthor 3.CHeritageAdvanced 4th YearNarrativeReflection/Opinion NarrationOpinion Advanced 4th Year L2 Reflection
Lecture ReviewAuthor 4.AL2Advanced 4th YearNarrativeReflection/Opinion NarrationOpinion Advanced 4th Year L2 Reflection
My Friend.Author 1.Heritage . Intermediate. Description Description Intermediate Heritage Reflection
Problems1 Author 1 L2 Intermediate Narrative Spontaneous Narration Intermediate L2 Spontaneous
Problems1 Author 10 L2 Intermediate Narrative Spontaneous Narration Intermediate L2 Spontaneous
Problems1 Author 11 L2 Intermediate Narrative Spontaneous Narration Intermediate L2 Spontaneous
Problems1 Author 12 L2 L1-Turkish Intermediate Narrative Spontaneous Narration Intermediate L2 Spontaneous
Problems1 Author 2 L2 Intermediate Narrative Spontaneous Narration Intermediate L2 Spontaneous
Problems1 Author 3 L2 Intermediate Narrative Spontaneous Narration Intermediate L2 Spontaneous
Problems1 Author 4 L2 Intermediate Narrative Spontaneous Narration Intermediate L2 Spontaneous
Problems1 Author 5 L2 Intermediate Narrative Spontaneous Narration Intermediate L2 Spontaneous
Problems1 Author 6 L2 Intermediate Narrative Spontaneous Narration Intermediate L2 Spontaneous
Problems1 Author 7 L2 Intermediate Narrative Spontaneous Narration Intermediate L2 Spontaneous
Problems1 Author 8 L2 Intermediate Narrative Spontaneous Narration Intermediate L2 Spontaneous
Problems1 Author 9 L2 Intermediate Narrative Spontaneous Narration Intermediate L2 Spontaneous
Q&AAuthor 1L2IntermediateSpontaneousDescription/Instruction DescriptionInstruction Intermediate L2 Spontaneous
Q&AAuthor 2L2IntermediateSpontaneousDescription/Instruction DescriptionInstruction Intermediate L2 Spontaneous
Q&AAuthor 3L2IntermediateSpontaneousDescription/Instruction DescriptionInstruction Intermediate L2 Spontaneous
Q&AAuthor 4L1-TurkishIntermediateSpontaneousDescription/Instruction DescriptionInstruction Intermediate L1 is Turkish Spontaneous
Q&AAuthor 5L2IntermediateSpontaneousDescription/Instruction DescriptionInstruction Intermediate L2 Spontaneous
Q&AAuthor 6HerIntermediateSpontaneousDescription/Instruction DescriptionInstruction Intermediate Heritage Spontaneous
Q&AAuthor 7HerIntermediateSpontaneousDescription/Instruction DescriptionInstruction Intermediate Heritage Spontaneous
Q&AAuthor 8L1-TurkishIntermediateSpontaneousDescription/Instruction DescriptionInstruction Intermediate L1 is Turkish Spontaneous
Social Phenomenon Author 1 L2 Advanced Third Year Reflection Description / Opinion DescriptionOpinion Advanced 3rd Year L2 Reflection
Social Phenomenon Author 2 L2 Advanced Third Year Reflection Description / Opinion DescriptionOpinion Advanced 3rd Year L2 Reflection
Social Phenomenon Author 3 L2 Advanced Third Year Reflection Description / Opinion DescriptionOpinion Advanced 3rd Year L2 Reflection
Social Phenomenon Author 4 L2 Advanced Third Year Reflection Description / Opinion DescriptionOpinion Advanced 3rd Year L2 Reflection
Social Phenomenon Author 5 L2 Advanced Third Year Reflection Description / Opinion DescriptionOpinion Advanced 3rd Year L2 Reflection
Social Phenomenon Author 6 Heritage Advanced Third Year Reflection Description / Opinion DescriptionOpinion Advanced 3rd Year Heritage Reflection
Story.Author 1.Heritage.Intermediate.Narrative.spontaneous Narration Intermediate Heritage Spontaneous
Story.Author 10.L2. L1-Spanish.Intermediate.Narrative.spontaneous Narration Intermediate L2 Spontaneous
Story.Author 11.L2.Intermediate.Narrative.spontaneous Narration Intermediate L2 Spontaneous
Story.Author 12.L2.Intermediate.Narrative.spontaneous Narration Intermediate L2 Spontaneous
Story.Author 13.L2.Intermediate.Narrative.spontaneous Narration Intermediate L2 Spontaneous
Story.Author 14.L2.Intermediate.Narrative.spontaneous Narration Intermediate L2 Spontaneous
Story.Author 15.Heritage.Intermediate.Narrative.spontaneous Narration Intermediate L2 Spontaneous
Story.Author 16.L2. L1-Persian.Intermediate.Narrative.spontaneous Narration Intermediate L2 Spontaneous
Story.Author 17.L2.Intermediate.Narrative.spontaneous Narration Intermediate L2 Spontaneous
Story.Author 18.L2.Intermediate.Narrative.spontaneous Narration Intermediate L2 Spontaneous
Story.Author 2 .L2. Intermediate.Narrative.spontaneous Narration Intermediate L2 Spontaneous
Story.Author 3. L2.Intermediate.Narrative.spontaneous Narration Intermediate L2 Spontaneous
Story.Author 4.Heritage.Intermediate.Narrative.spontaneous Narration Intermediate Heritage Spontaneous
Story.Author 5.L2.Intermediate.Narrative.spontaneous Narration Intermediate L2 Reflection
Story.Author 6.L2. L1-Persian. Intermediate.Narrative.spontaneous Narration Intermediate L2 Spontaneous
Story.Author 7.L2.Intermediate.Narrative.spontaneous Narration Intermediate L2 Spontaneous
Story.Author 8.Heritage.Intermediate.Narrative.spontaneous Narration Intermediate L2 Spontaneous
Story.Author 9.L2.Intermediate.Narrative.spontaneous Narration Intermediate L2 Spontaneous
Suzanne and Ali.Author 1.L2.Intermediate.Narrative.Reflection Narration Intermediate L2 Reflection
Suzanne and Ali.Author 10.Heritage.Intermediate.Narrative.Reflection Narration Intermediate Heritage Spontaneous
Suzanne and Ali.Author 11.L2.Intermediate.Narrative.Reflection Narration Intermediate L2 Spontaneous
Suzanne and Ali.Author 12.L2.Intermediate.Narrative.Reflection Narration Intermediate L2 Spontaneous
Suzanne and Ali.Author 2.L2.Intermediate.Narrative.Reflection Narration Intermediate L2 Spontaneous
Suzanne and Ali.Author 3.L2.Intermediate.Narrative.Reflection Narration Intermediate L2 Spontaneous
Suzanne and Ali.Author 4.L2.Intermediate.Narrative.Reflection Narration Intermediate L2 Spontaneous
Suzanne and Ali.Author 5.L2.Intermediate.Narrative.Reflection Narration Intermediate L2 Spontaneous
Suzanne and Ali.Author 6.L2.Intermediate.Narrative.Reflection Narration Intermediate L2 Spontaneous
Suzanne and Ali.Author 7.L2.Intermediate.Narrative.Reflection Narration Intermediate L2 Spontaneous
Suzanne and Ali.Author 8.Heritage.Intermediate.Narrative.Reflection Narration Intermediate L2 Spontaneous
Suzanne and Ali.Author 9.L2.Intermediate.Narrative.Reflection Narration Intermediate L2 Spontaneous
TAFL1 Author 1 L2 Advanced Third Year Spontaneous Opinion Opinion Advanced 3rd Year L2 Spontaneous
TAFL1 Author 2 L2 Advanced Third Year Spontaneous Opinion Opinion Advanced 3rd Year L2 Spontaneous
TAFL1 Author 3 L2 Advanced Third Year Spontaneous Opinion Opinion Advanced 3rd Year L2 Spontaneous
TAFL1 Author 4 L2 Advanced Third Year Spontaneous Opinion Opinion Advanced 3rd Year L2 Spontaneous
TAFL1 Author 5 L2 Advanced Third Year Spontaneous Opinion Opinion Advanced 3rd Year L2 Spontaneous
TAFL1 Author 6 Heritage Advanced Third Year Spontaneous Opinion Opinion Advanced 3rd Year Heritage Spontaneous
ThesisAuthor 1L2Advanced 4th YearNarrativeReflection Narration Advanced 4th Year L2 Reflection
Titles Author 1 L2 Intermediate Reflection Opinion Opinion Intermediate L2 Reflection
Titles Author 2 L2 Intermediate Reflection Opinion Opinion Intermediate L2 Reflection
Titles Author 3 L2 Intermediate Reflection Opinion Opinion Intermediate L2 Reflection