CERCLL Faculty Research Fellow Application Information

Deadline for the 2024 competition:
March 29, 2024.

The CERCLL Faculty Fellows program promotes scholarly work connected to the mission of CERCLL as a Title VI National Language Resource Center, namely to research and develop the teaching of culture, language and literacy, especially within less commonly taught languages (LCTLs). See details about previous awardees and their projects here.

These awards provide up to $5,000 to tenured/tenure-eligible, career-track, or continuing status faculty at the University of Arizona. Postdoctoral scholars, graduate students, and emeritae faculty are not eligible to apply. In 2024, we particularly invite proposals focused upon research related to AI and critical digital literacy; critical global citizenship and language/culture learning; multimodal/multimedia literacies and LSP practice; and the intersections between language development and intercultural learning. We especially invite projects that can lead to a scholarly publication or a bigger grant proposal. However, other projects besides those fitting into these constraints will be considered as well.

Funds may be used for most justifiable purposes excluding faculty salary/supplemental compensation, travel not associated with the execution of the project, and course-related expenses. Some of the funding must be applied to work by University of Arizona students. See the budget section of “Application Requirements” (below) for more information. Please also refer to the University of Arizona’s guidelines in relation to COVID-19 with respect to the nature of proposed work and travel.

2024 Research Fellows will create resources that will be shared within the CERCLL community and on our website, for example: sample classroom materials based on their project, (b) white paper, or (c) teacher manual. Faculty fellows are often invited to present a webinar for CERCLL, explaining the grounding of the materials and how to implement them.

The application deadline for awards to be made for work taking place in Summer 2024 is March 29, 2024.

The complete application guidelines for 2024 awards are below.

Contact CERCLL with questions: cercll@email.arizona.edu.

These grants are supported in part, by funding from the College of Humanities.

Application Requirements

This is a three-part application that should include (1) the project proposal (in Word please), (2) a budget with justification, and (3) a 3-page CV. These files should be attached to an email and submitted to cercll@email.arizona.edu by the deadline of March 29, 2024.


1. Project Proposal (3 pages maximum)

This section should include:

  • Applicant Information: First Name, Last Name, Email Address, Position Title, Phone Number, Department Name
  • Proposal Title: A brief descriptive title, not to exceed 10 words.
  • Requested Amount: The maximum amount that can be requested is $5,000.
  • Abstract: This section should be a summary of what you intend to do, how you intend to do it, and why it is important. The abstract length should not exceed 150 words.
  • Project Description: This section should provide background information (e.g., why is your work important and what contributions will it make to your field?); an explanation for how it relates to CERCLL’s mission; a description of the work you intend to do including your objectives and their significance, with details about what you have accomplished in this area so far, if applicable; details about the methods you will employ to achieve your goals; a description of the impact you expect your project to make on the field and how you will measure that impact; and an explanation for how this grant would help you to obtain additional external funding (if applicable). Please also include any information about how this project will contribute to the mission of CERCLL and the University of Arizona, as well as your own professional goals.
  • Budget narrative (not more than 300 words) explaining how the funds will be used. If your department or other sources will provide a match to the Faculty Research Grant, please indicate that here.


2. Budget

Funding for awards made for Summer 2023 should be spent by August 14, 2023. Before submitting your proposal, please seek help from a Business Manager in your area to help with your budget and justification to make sure it adheres to University of Arizona policies.

Please ask for funds necessary to complete the project within the period of the grant (May 22 – August 14, 2023). In some cases the funds can be extended by a month or two, but this needs to be approved by CERCLL in advance. Allowable expenditures include research-related travel, lodging and per diem (if an integral part of the project objectives); software; research supplies including equipment specifically for your project; archival/database fees; participant stipends; payment of consultants and research assistance (such as short-term hourly student wages). Unallowable expenditures include, but are not limited to, travel to conferences, faculty salaries, the purchase of general-purpose equipment, costs of curriculum development or work that is part of a scheduled course, and costs incurred prior to the award period.

Use the the budget form prepared for this application, requesting the amounts in the boxes provided and entering additional lines in the justification as needed. A figure must be entered in each box in the budget, even if you are not requesting anything in each category (in which case enter “0”.) If you are requesting funding for a category that is not listed, enter your amount in the box titled “Other”.

Wages & ERE: Enter the total amount of student wages + ERE (employee-related expenses that are attached to all UArizona employees at different rates, depending on their employment category). Current ERE rates for the 2023-2024 academic year can be found here. (Rates for next year have not yet been published.) At least a portion of your budget must be allocated towards student work on your project, however CERCLL Research Fellow money cannot be used to fund faculty salary or supplemental compensation. The budget justification should briefly describe what the student(s) will be doing, and itemize their wages and ERE (e.g., 1 undergraduate student at 10 hours/week for 5 weeks @ $15/hour = $750 + $15 (2% ERE) = $765; the student will research languages programs at institutions in the 50 US states).

Travel and Lodging: Enter the total amount of travel/lodging costs for UArizona personnel. Any travel/lodging requested must be integral to the project. Mileage reimbursement and travel costs should be at the University of Arizona rates (mileage is currently 62.5 cents/mile; see also information about lodging and per diem). Travel for non-UArizona personnel goes in the operations section of the budget.


  • See above for allowable and unallowable operational expenses.
  • Participants/Subjects Payments: If the project requires the use of human subjects, enter total amount to be paid to subjects; include an itemized breakdown of the payments in the budget justification.
  • Consultant fees: Must be described in the budget justification, including the identity of the consultant, the reason that individual is required for the project, and an explanation for the amount of the fee required (including, for example, how much time they will contribute to the project or how many times they will be consulted). Consultants are individuals who are not employees at the UArizona (and who have not worked here for at least 12 months).
  • Other: Amount budgeted for all other purposes not listed in the budget categories provided. The total amount must be itemized in the Budget Justification area. Equipment specific to the project is allowable in this section, however, requests cannot be made for computers and printers, etc, that faculty normally already have.

Budget Justification

To help reviewers understand your budget needs please explain each part of the budget request and state why it is needed. You may wish to provide subcategories, especially if they represent a large part of your expenses. See the example budget and justification for details about the kinds of information required.


3. Brief CV

Please include a CV (3 pages maximum) with your application materials.