Webinar: Reassessing Feedback on HL/L2 Digital Writing

Webinar presented by Idoia Elola (Texas Tech University) and Ana Oskoz (University of Maryland, Baltimore County), co-authors of L2 Digital Writing Literacies: Directions for Classroom Practice (Equinox Press, 2020).

Thursday, June 20, 2024, 10-11:30 AM Arizona (UTC-7)

Registration is now closed.

This is the second webinar in our Summer series, Digital Multimodal Composition in Language Education



Emerging digital tools have been associated with multimodal digital genres (e.g., digital storytelling, Wikipedia entries, blog entries) and have expanded our understanding of heritage and second language (HL/L2) writing. The written mode is no longer viewed in isolation; rather, it is now often seen as a complement to or as complemented by other semiotic resources (e.g., images, sound) that help HL/L2 learners communicate meaning. Despite the increasing presence of multimodal learning tasks in the HL/L2 classroom, instructors often have not modified how they provide feedback, continuing to focus on language development —replicating the feedback behaviors modeled by non-digital writing assignments—rather than on all the components of multimodal texts. When providing digital feedback, however, it is essential to consider all the semiotic resources included in the HL/L2 text. Determining how to provide feedback, therefore, involves recognizing the complexity of factors that affect feedback choice and use (e.g., what linguistic aspect to focus on, especially when students write in multilingual or translingual manners); the extent to which multimodal resources are integrated successfully; the purpose of the HL/L2 writing task; the type of digital genre; and the (local and/or global) audiences.

In this talk, Drs. Elola and Oskoz present theoretical approaches (e.g., social-semiotic theory and activity theory) that relate to digital feedback. The presentation will focus on providing a rationale for expanding the use of feedback to cover the linguistic and nonlinguistic components encountered in a multimodal text. Aware of the importance of the affordances of various digital tools, they will also address the potential for novel and sometimes complementary modes of feedback using different tools (e.g., oral and written feedback using Screencast-O-Matic). They will also present and discuss an example of a rubric that can guide the type of feedback that we, as instructors, can offer in digital multimodal texts. Providing (digital) feedback that considers the digital multimodal genres and tools that we have at our disposal allows us to address multiliterate and multilingual writers’ needs and to guide them to explore their voices in a dynamic digital world.


  Dr. Idoia Elola is Professor of Spanish and Applied Linguistics in the Department of Classical and Modern Languages and Literatures at Texas Tech University, the Spanish Academic Director for the Seville Study Abroad program at the Texas Tech University in Seville Spain and Interim Director of the Spanish Heritage Language program.  Since 2020, she is the Editor-in-Chief of System and oversees the selection and publication of cutting-edge research in the field of the application of educational technology and applied linguistics to problems of foreign language teaching and learning. Dr. Elola’s research focuses primarily on (digital) second language writing, such as collaborative and individual writing using social tools, digital literacies, and the use of multimodal texts (digital stories, story maps, blogs) from cognitive and sociocultural perspectives.

  Dr. Ana Oskoz is a Professor at the University of Maryland Baltimore County (UMBC) where she teaches courses in Spanish and second language acquisition, and is currently Associate Dean in the College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences. Dr. Oskoz’s research focuses on the use of technology for second language learning and second language acquisition. In her research, she has examined the use of synchronous and asynchronous communication tools such as online chats for second language development, and discussion boards, blogs and wikis to promote cultural discussions and enhance second language writing and intercultural competence development. Dr. Ana Oskoz is also co-editor of the CALICO Journal published by Equinox.

Want to see more from Dr. Elola and Dr. Oskoz?

Check out the book they co-authored:


Digital L2 Writing Literacies

Directions for Classroom Practice


Digital L2 Writing Literacies is recommended reading for the language professional interested in keeping abreast of the latest developments in the learning and teaching of L2 writing in today’s digital society.

Click here to learn more and to purchase a copy of the book!


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