Date: April 13, 2022
Time: 10:00 am - 11:30 am
Location: Online. To see the time where you are, visit

A webinar presented by Tracy Quan, University of Colorado, Boulder.

Download the presentation slides here.

See the recording below.

April 13, 10 am Arizona / UTC-7. To see the time of this event where you are, click here.

The recent social and multilingual turn in language research and pedagogy has drawn attention to how the teaching of languages is an ideological endeavor. What and how we teach tells our students what and who society values inside and outside the classroom. As such, this webinar explores the following questions: What ideologies underlie our language teaching? What messages may we be perpetuating that in fact contradict and undermine our goals as language instructors? What decisions and actions can we take to interrupt ideologies in our pedagogy? First, Quan will define and provide examples of ideologies in the context of language instruction. Participants will discuss language ideologies, or beliefs about speakers, the structure, and the use of language in general and in regards to specific varieties. They will also examine raciolinguistic ideologies, which are racialized ideas about people’s language use and knowledge. Second, Quan presents research that illustrates the consequences of ideologies, particularly for individuals and communities of minoritized backgrounds. Third, she draws from multilingual and critical language pedagogies to offer strategies for contesting ideologies in our teaching.

By the end of the webinar, participants will be able to: 1) broadly describe ideologies related to language instruction in general and to the language(s) they teach; 2) identify pedagogical strategies for unpacking ideologies in didactic materials, learning activities, and instructional decisions; and 3) critically reflect on opportunities for and challenges to teaching language in a culturally, linguistically, and socially-equitable manner. 

Tracy Quan is Assistant Professor of Spanish at the University of Colorado, Boulder, where she teaches undergraduate and graduate language, linguistics, and pedagogy courses. Her areas of research include second and heritage language development and education, language and identity, study abroad, and critical pedagogies. Drawing on her personal background and K-16 experiences teaching English and Spanish abroad and in the U.S., she is interested in exploring the dynamic role identities and ideologies play in shaping language learning, teaching, and use, particularly for racialized multilingual populations. She hopes her research will demonstrate the transformative and equitable potential of language education and research if done critically and thoughtfully. She is co-editor of the volume, Heritage Speakers of Spanish and Study Abroad (2021, Routledge), and her work has appeared in venues such as Bilingual Research Journal, Foreign Language Annals, Hispania, L2 Journal, and The Modern Language Journal.

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