CERCLL and the University of Arizona College of Education Dean’s Office have provided funding for a Design Based Implementation (DBIR) Workshop at the University of Arizona.
Design-Based Implementation Research (DBIR) is a methodology for organizing and conducting research. It maximizes collective work toward iterative, systematic inquiry, which builds the capacity of systems to engage in continuous improvement to understand dynamics between teaching and learning. For more about DBIR see http://learndbir.org/principles.
Partnerships include work with practitioners in K-12, higher education, and informal settings, and teams with both researchers and practitioners from these settings. Workshop facilitators are: Dr. Barry Fishman, University of Michigan and Dan Gallagher, Shoreline Public Schools (in the Seattle area). For their bios see http://learndbir.org/workshop/workshop-faculty.
This DBIR workshop is designed for: individuals who wish to learn about DBIR methodology, and/or teams interested in developing research projects together. Teams may be either newly forming or mature research-practice partnerships.
Participants in the workshop will have the opportunity to:
✔️ Gain practice with using tools and routines for negotiating the focus of joint work in a partnership
✔️ Learn about ways to organize the collaborative design process equitably and to fit local circumstances
✔️ Analyze different plans for studying and using implementation evidence
✔️ Devise strategies for local capacity building and in local educational systems
✔️ Discuss approaches to publishing results from DBIR studies
This workshop has limited capacity. Contact Jill Castek at jcastek @ email.arizona.edu by Aug. 25th if you are interested in attending as an individual or with a team. A follow-up survey of your interests will follow.
Partial funding for this event was secured through a CERCLL Faculty Research grant for which Dr. Castek applied in Spring 2018.