Professional Development Webinars

CERCLL offers free webinars with continuing education and/or digital badges available for educators who participate in the live events.  To learn about our upcoming webinars and register, please see our upcoming events. Recordings and other related resources are made available after these events and can be found on the individual event pages. There is also a webinar playlist on our YouTube channel, where all the recordings can be found.

2024 PLONS: Bringing Ungrading to Language Teaching

PLONS: Professional Learning Online Networks The word plons in Dutch describes the noise made by something splashing into a surface and is thus an apt name for the Professional Learning Online Network Space (PLONS), which is designed to create a ripple effect, by...

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Teaching Chinese in US K-12 Schools

Teaching Chinese in US K-12 Schools

An open website was created by Project Leaders Wenhao Diao (University of Arizona), Yang Xiao-Desai (San Francisco State University), and Yi Xu (University of Pittsburgh), to respond to the dearth of research focusing on FL education in K-12 contexts (Urlaub &...

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Worlds of Experiences for Language Learning (WELL) Showcase

Worlds of Experiences for Language Learning (WELL) Showcase

Worlds of Experiences for Language Learning (WELL) is an innovative project that aims to provide professional learning support to language teachers in designing immersive experiences to globalize their curriculum. Educators participating in the program come from K-16...

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CFP: CERCLL Faculty Fellowship

CFP: CERCLL Faculty Fellowship

Apply for a 2024 CERCLL Faculty Fellowship! Application deadline: Friday, March 29, 2024. The CERCLL Faculty Fellows program promotes scholarly work connected to the mission of CERCLL as a Title VI National Language Resource Center: to research and develop the...

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Position Open: Student Outreach Assistant

Position Open: Student Outreach Assistant

We are seeking a Student Outreach Assistant to join our team this Spring! This position is for an undergraduate student enrolled in a program in-person at the University of Arizona. It is for the Spring 2024 semester, but there may be options to continue into June and...

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