Project Director: Margherita Berti, University of Arizona

These resources provide language educators with pedagogical strategies and practical suggestions for implementing social networking sites (SNSs) and social media for intercultural competence in beginner and intermediate FL courses. SNSs offer a great amount of authentic digital materials and provide opportunities for meaningful and contextualized communication. This modern resource assists teachers interested in integrating and exploiting SNSs in their own language courses. Three platforms, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, were evaluated for classroom and at-home activities and serve as an example for the analysis and evaluation of SNSs’ benefits and implications for language pedagogy. The website hosts resources that include a language teacher’s guide to SNSs-based pedagogy for intercultural competence, step-by-step video tutorials for the many uses of the three SNSs named above, and an online webinar, the recording for which is also on the Social Networking Sites for Intercultural Competence website.

These resources are part of a larger project, Technology for Literacy, that will be completed in Spring 2020.