Summer Institutes
CERCLL offers a combination of in-person, hybrid and virtual summer institutes that provide professional development opportunities for language and culture educators Some are the result of research and resources created by CERCLL-funded projects, while others are offered on topics requested by educators who have attended other professional development events that we have hosted.
In Summer 2025, CERCLL is organizing two summer institutes:
Forced and Chosen Journeys: Refugee and Immigrant Experiences in Youth Literature, June 2-5, 2025
In this IN-PERSON institute at the University of Arizona, participants will examine ways to invite children to immerse themselves in literature about refugee and immigrant experiences, with the goal of aiding children to critically engage with story as a means of making sense of their own lives, and of understanding the lives of children whose experiences differ from their own. Participants receive books, other educational materials, and a PD certificate; travel funding is available. It is intended for K-8 educators, though others may find it useful also. Registration is open now!
Contemporary Applied Linguistics for Language Educators, June 9-13, 2025
This VIRTUAL institute will guide educators in the use of a forthcoming publication from a new CERCLL project, an OER co-edited by Julieta Fernandez and Chantelle Warner (University of Arizona). The volume features chapters by authors who will present sessions during the institute, leading attendees through methods to apply their chapter and its practical activities to participants’ own teaching contexts.