Resources for STEM and Language Education
Advancing L2 Composition through Socioscientific Issues
Advancing L2 Composition through Socioscientific Issues is a repository for classroom lessons on multimodal composing & socioscientific issues, with units on technology, genetic engeneering, and climate change. The companion webinar describes strategies for using these materials, and for designing, implementing, and assessing multimodal projects in educators’ own teaching contexts.
Socioscientific Resources for LCTLs Classrooms
Socioscientific Resources for LCTLs Classrooms is a set of resources for implementing socioscientific issues in beginning and intermediate language classrooms, including units on COVID-19 and eco-friendly travel. Based on curriculum developed for Korean classes, the resources are adaptable to other languages. A manual and webinar explain their use.
Film School for Global Scientists
Film School for Global Scientists provides models for developing project-based learning units for the language classroom, in which learners engage with film as a means of exploring the intersections between STEM and culture. The examples, taken from a pilot study in a middle school dual language immersion class, focus on water stewardship – a topic that integrates community practices, science, and technology. The initial framework and sample student work can be found at the link above and an implementation guide is forthcoming.
Sustainability Literacy and Intercultural Citizenship in Multiliteracies-Oriented FL Curricula
In Development: Sustainability Literacy and Intercultural Citizenship in Multiliteracies-Oriented FL Curricula is developing multiliteracies-oriented modular French curriculum centered on the seventeen United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. By becoming sustainability literate multicompetent multilingual and intercultural actors, students can address complex issues and positively contribute to a sustainable future. The resulting materials will also serve as a model for other languages.