
Language Program Direction Self-Study Modules

Language Program Direction Self-Study Modules

These modules are for educators who are interested in becoming postsecondary language program directors (LPD) or in learning more about what LPDs do and the multiple facets of this complex and rewarding job. Although the intended audience is novice and aspiring LPDs,...

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Global Communities Publication in WOW Stories

Global Communities Publication in WOW Stories

Through a CERCLL project, Worlds of Words offers annual grants for Global Communities--groups of educators that meet regularly to consider global literature, world languages, and ways of using these books in preK-12 classrooms. We are excited to announce that the most...

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Working with Texts Online

Working with Texts Online

A resource created by Emily Hellmich, University of Arizona. Moving (quickly!) into online teaching environments does not mean the end of working with texts in the language, literature, and culture classroom.  And in some cases, it can be an opportunity to push...

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Social Networking Sites for Intercultural Competence

Social Networking Sites for Intercultural Competence

Developed by Margherita Berti, this guide provides language educators with pedagogical strategies and practical suggestions for implementing social networking sites (SNSs) and social media in language courses to promote intercultural competence.­­ Modern technology...

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Intercultural Sojourns

Intercultural Sojourns

Exploring Intercultural Communicative Competence: A Multinational Perspective - Alvino E. Fantini, Project Director; with assistance from Ilene Todd, Project Assistant; and Joana Almeida and Cláudia Figuereido, Statisticians, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302, USA....

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