Bringing Global Cultures and World Languages into K-8 Classrooms

Bringing Global Cultures and World Languages into K-8 Classrooms Project Director: Dr. Kathy Short (U Arizona). [In collaboration with Worlds of Words, U Arizona] Description: The quickening pace of globalization has led to a context in which opportunities to succeed...

Modern Persian Textbook (Advanced)

Modern Persian Textbook Series: Advanced Project Director: Dr. Kamran Talattof (U Arizona) Description: The political and educational climate of the world in the year 2010 speaks most clearly to the extreme need to develop instructional materials in Persian (aka...


PErCOLATE (Modules for Multiliteracies Teaching) Topic-based Modules for Preparing the Future FL Professoriate to Teach with a Multiliteracies Approach across the Undergraduate FL Curriculum  Projects Directors: Drs. Heather Allen (University of Wisconsin, Madison)...

Study Abroad

Study Abroad The Assessment of Cultural Intelligence  Project Director: Dr. Peter Ecke (U Arizona) Description: Study abroad has become an increasingly important part in students’ development of language and cultural skills. A key outcome of study abroad is learning...

Games to Teach

Games to Teach Developing Digital Game-Mediated Foreign Language Literacies  Project Directors: Drs. Jonathon Reinhardt (U Arizona) and Julie Sykes, (University of Oregon) Description: Digital games are socio-cultural practices and products, and gaming has become a...

Hypermedia Texts

Hypermedia Texts Using Multimodal Text Annotations to Promote Cultural Literacy Project Director: Dr. Chantelle Warner (U. Arizona). Projects Collaborators: Dr. R. Ariew (U. Arizona); Dr. K. da Costa Bezerra (U. Arizona); Dr. A. Iğsiz (New York U., previously U....