Intercultural Sojourns: Assessing Outcomes and Impact

Project Director: Alvino Fantini (SIT). In collaboration with: SIT Graduate Institute/World Learning, Federation of The Experiment in International Living (FEIL) and Global Initiatives (UA). In 2005-2006, Federation EIL carried out a global, longitudinal, and...

Globalizing the Common Core State Standards

Project Director: Kathy Short (UA). In collaboration with: UA College of Education and Worlds of Words. This project addresses the outdated and ethnocentric cultural perspectives in the lists of exemplars of text complexity used in the Common Core State Standards...

Reading Globally: Connecting Classrooms to the World

Project Director: Kathy Short (UA) In collaboration with: UA College of Education and Worlds of Words An extension of CERCLL’s “Introducing Children and Adolescents to the World” project of 2006-2010, and the “Bringing Global Cultures and World Languages into K-8...

Film Clips for Foreign Language Culture and Literacy

Film Clips for Foreign Language Culture and Literacy Project Directors: Mark Kaiser (UC Berkeley) and Dr. Sonia Shiri (UA).In collaboration with: the Berkeley Language Center (UC Berkeley), and at the UA: the Center for Middle Eastern Studies (CMES), the Arabic...

American Study Abroad Students in China: Archiving Interactions

Project Director: Wenhao Diao (University of Arizona [UA]).In collaboration with: the Council for International Educational Exchange (Shanghai), Alliance for Global Education (Shanghai), the CV Starr Middlebury School in China (Hangzhou), the Confucius Institute at...

Foreign Languages & the Literary in the Everyday

Foreign Languages & the Literary in the Everyday Project Directors: Chantelle Warner (UA), Carl Blyth (University of Texas at Austin), Joanna Luks (Cornell University).In collaboration with: the Center for Open Educational Resources and Language Learning (COERLL)...