Critical Transnational Dialogue and Virtual Exchange
A Virtual Symposium, October 19-24, 2020
➣ Jonathon Reinhardt (University of Arizona), Social Media for Virtual Exchange: Exploring Relationships between Tools and Practices
➣ Shannon Sauro (University of Maryland, Baltimore County), Measuring the Impact of Virtual Exchange: Student Learning Outcomes from the EVOLVE Project
The L2 Digital Literacies Symposium (L2DL) is a free, biennial, international event offering an array of synchronous and asynchronous virtual sessions that allow academics to make connections across the globe. With a theme of Critical Transnational Dialogue and Virtual Exchange, the fourth iteration of this symposium in 2020 explores the intersections between international education, virtual exchange and digital literacies. Recorded, virtual presentations will be available throughout the week, and the symposium culminates in livestreamed, invited presentations on October 23 and 24. Professional development credentials are available for presenters and attendees who participate in these activities.
Invited panels explore the meaning of Critical Virtual Exchange, and how educators have adapted to and continue to cope with the academic, social, and emotional changes wrought by teaching online in a time of crisis:
➣ Panel: Critical Virtual Exchange: What does “Critical” Mean?
Presenters: D. Joseph Cunningham (Georgetown University); Francesca Helm (University of Padova); Carmen King Ramirez (University of Arizona); Liudmila Klimanova (University of Arizona)
➣ Panel: Online Education during Times of Crisis: Challenges of Teaching during COVID-19.
Presenters: Inés Lozano Palacio (University of La Rioja); María Asunción Barreras Gómez (University of La Rioja); Nolvia Cortez Roman (Universidad de Sonora); Damian Romero (University of Arizona)
See the L2DL website for the event schedule and presentation summaries, and for the link to register: