L2 Literacy in Action
Multilingual Making in a Second-Language Poetry Club
This handbook explores various forms of poetic play (with sample activities and comments from the teachers and students involved in this creative means of language learning), and the core principles for establishing and sustaining a multilingual poetry club.
Social Networking for Intercultural Competence
Provides language educators with pedagogical strategies and practical suggestions for implementing social networking sites (SNSs) and social media for intercultural competence in beginner and intermediate FL courses.
Multiliteracies at the Museum
The Multiliteracies at the Museum handbook facilitates genre awareness, visual literacy, and critical intercultural thinking in a new language. Its lesson plans are models for language and culture teachers who want to integrate multiliteracies as multisensory, aesthetic classroom experiences.
Foreign Languages and the Literary in the Everyday
Produced with the Center for Open Educational Resources in Language Learning (COERLL), this is an archive of literacy-based and tagged materials in several languages, with an educators’ handbook demonstrating their use.
L2 Digital and Multimodal Literacies Symposia
The L2 Digital Literacies (L2DL, 2014-2020) and L2 Multimodal Literacies (L2ML, in 2023) Symposia brought together educators and scholars wishing to explore the role of digital literacies and multimodality in contexts of second or multiple language and culture learning. The archived digital presentations from these events are available on our website and in our YouTube channel playlists.

Framework for Scaffolding FL Students’ Digital Multimodal Composing
IN DEVELOPMENT: This project is developing materials to support FL students’ digital multimodal composing processes. Materials are expected in 2025.

Multiliteracies Language Teaching In World Language Classrooms
IN DEVELOPMENT: This project is creating open access videos modeling multiliteracy core practices, with additional pedagogical materials and a Professional Learning Online Network Space (PLONS).