International Conference on the Development and Assessment of Intercultural Competence
Project Directors: Drs. Beatrice Dupuy and Chantelle Warner (University of Arizona)
In 2008, CERCLL initiated a biennial series of conferences intended to enhance teachers’ intercultural effectiveness in the classroom as they prepare students to become interculturally competent global citizens. Many of the presentations are recorded and are made available after the events on the CERCLL website and Youtube channel, and Powerpoints, handouts and selected Proceedings serve as other permanent resources created through the project.
The next ICC conference will take place in Spring, 2026. The theme of this 10th iteration of this event will be Intercultural Competence in a Rapidly Changing World: Supporting Sustainable Futures. The Call for Proposals is here, with submissions due in Summer 2025.
See our older posts about the previous conferences below. (Please note that our website underwent a transition recently, so some of the links may no longer work.)
ICC Conference News Feed
CFP: 2026 Intercultural Competence Conference
We are accepting proposals for the 2026 ICC Conference! Intercultural Competence in a Rapidly Changing World: Supporting Sustainable Futures for All The Tenth International Conference on the Development and Assessment of Intercultural CompetenceFebruary 27 – March 1,...
K12 and Graduate Student Scholarships for the 2024 Intercultural Competence Conference
We have extended the deadline by which full-time K-12 educators and full-time graduate students (and some recent graduates) can apply for a scholarship. The new deadline is December 8, 2023. Scholarships cover registration fees for the conference for graduate...
Register for the 2024 Intercultural Competence Conference
Registration is open for the Ninth International Conference on the Development and Assessment of Intercultural Competence Intercultural Learning, Global Citizenship and Peacebuilding February 22-25, 2024At the University of Arizona and OnlineImportant dates to know:...
Deadline Extended! ICC 2024 CFP
The Call for Proposals is extended to August 4! Respond to the UN goals to “promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels.”
CFP: Intercultural Competence Conference – ICC 2024!
The Call for Proposals is open! Respond to the UN goals to “promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels.”
Free Guide for Creating Intercultural Curriculum
Global Literacy Communities: Creating Curriculum That Is Intercultural The Worlds of Words Center of Global Literacies and Literatures (WOW), in partnership with the Center for Educational Resources in Culture, Language and Literacy (CERCLL), presents a free guide by...
2022 Intercultural Competence Conference
Registration is open for CERCLL's eighth International Conference on the Development and Assessment of Intercultural Competence, a virtual event taking place January 27-30, 2022, on the theme of Decentering Mobility in Intercultural Education: Engagement, Equity, and...
CFP for ICC 2022: Proposals due in June
The eighth biennial International conference on the Development and Assessment of Intercultural Competence (ICC) will focus upon the theme of Decentering Mobility in Intercultural Education: Engagement, Equity, and Access. A hybrid event, January 27-30, 2022, in...
Intercultural Competence Conference
Intercultural Competence Conference Project Directors: Beatrice Dupuy and Chantelle Warner (UA).In collaboration with: the Interdisciplinary Ph.D. Program in Second Language Acquisition and Teaching (SLAT), CMES , CIUA, COH, and SBS at the UA; and several other...
ICC 2020: CFP, Deadline 5/31/19
Seventh International Conference on the Development and Assessment of Intercultural Competence Internationalizing the Curriculum: The Role of Intercultural Competence January 23-26, 2020, in Tucson, Arizona, and Online Invited Presentations Adriana Diaz (University of...