Registration is open for the Ninth International Conference on the Development and Assessment of Intercultural Competence
Intercultural Learning, Global Citizenship and Peacebuilding
February 22-25, 2024
At the University of Arizona and Online
Important dates to know:
- Extended Scholarship Application Deadline: December 8, 2023
Scholarships are available for K12 teachers (covering registration and lodging) and graduate students (registration). See application details. - Early Bird Rate Registration Deadline: December 18, 2023
- Larisa Kasumagić Kafedžić, University of Sarajevo, Peace in Language Education: A Romanticized Ideal or an Urgently Needed Educational Paradigm
- Rebecca Oxford, University of Maryland, Fostering Intercultural Competence for Peace through Transformative Language Teaching
- Culture-General Approach in Business Language Courses: Creating Materials, presented by Susana Pérez Castillejo (University of St. Thomas, in St. Paul, Minnesota, United States)
- Walking the Land: Footsteps toward Impactful Place-based Language Learning, presented by Liudmila Klimanova (University of Arizona, United States) and Lara Lomicka Anderson (University of South Carolina, United States)
- Developing Global Citizenship in Virtual Exchange, presented by Robert O’Dowd (Universidad de León, Spain), Markus Ritter (Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany) and Sina Werner (Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany)
The 2024 ICC conference will focus on how intercultural learning might foster peace; what intercultural education for peacebuilding that is cognizant of disparity and pain might look like; connections between intercultural peace and other dimensions that our language curricula and programs could help students to explore; and how language educators can promote respect for all, build a sense of belonging to a common humanity, and help learners become responsible and active global citizens.
ICC 2024 has around 100 presentations accepted or invited, with authors located at institutions in 30 countries and in 27 US states. Presentations include workshops (in-person only), papers (in-person and virtual), symposia (in-person and virtual), and posters (in-person and virtual). Accessible to ICC registrants, the conference app will have all the conference details in January.
Visit the ICC website for all the conference details: