CERCLL Graduate Fellows Program
The CERCLL Graduate Fellows Program is a one-semester professional development opportunity for foreign language GATs at the University of Arizona. Fellowships are intended to support work on projects related to CERCLL’s mission as a national language resource center. (See the full mission statement.) Fellowships are the equivalent of a .25 GA position (including the tuition remission and benefits that accompany GAT positions), and applicants must follow UA regulations surrounding maximum FTE, and required number of course units, etc. The current Call is for one student to be funded in Spring 2022.
Note that in the past, some students who already had a .5 FTE contract were able to negotiate with their department to convert that into .25 FTE for one semester, so that they could accept the CERCLL Fellowship for the other .25 FTE, thereby allowing them to focus on their own project for which they received the CERCLL award.
New update to the CERCLL Graduate Fellows program: we accept applications from students whose projects involve languages indigenous to the United States.
The application deadline is November 1, 2021.
See details about the awardee projects in 2019, 2020, and the most recent awardee in Fall 2021. Also click here for an activity that serves as an example of the kind of project / resulting materials that are encouraged in the Fellows program.

Students receiving funding for a CERCLL Graduate Fellowship will produce a publication that will be shared on CERCLL’s website. Research projects might include developing instructional materials, implementations of new technologies or new media, or classroom-based and action research projects.
Preference will be given to advanced graduate students, but any GATs teaching in a foreign language program at the University of Arizona are invited to apply.
Normally, projects will be undertaken in collaboration with CERCLL co-directors Beatrice Dupuy and Chantelle Warner and CERCLL Associate Director Kate Mackay; however, some GATs have instead worked closely with another faculty member who agrees to take on this advisory role. Successful applicants will participate in bi-monthly meetings to discuss their work in progress and will deliver a public presentation at the University of Arizona as well as an online resource in either the form of a webinar, a teacher’s guide, or some combination of the two.
To be eligible, GATs must have taught in their current programs for a minimum of one year by the time that the Fellowship begins. All applications for a CERCLL Fellowship must be endorsed by the Department Head or Director and the Language Program Director of the program within which the GAT teaches. Departments and programs may endorse as many applications as they deem worthy. Applicants must have approached these individuals before they apply for a Fellowship to let them know that they are applying; CERCLL will contact them as well, before any award is made.
Applications are submitted online and will include:
- Title of Project (maximum 10 words)
- Category of project (applicants select from a list of options)
- Project Abstract (up to 500 words)
- Rationale for the Project (500-1000 words excluding bibliography)
- Project Description (500-1000 words)
- Detailed Timetable for the Project
- A short letter of reference from a faculty member. The letter of recommendation should come from a faculty member with whom the applicant has worked or the chair of their department. It should explain how the applicant’s project will benefit the teaching and mission of the department and/or the applicant’s academic and career progression.
Applications must be submitted using the online application form, with the faculty letter of reference being sent by the referee to cercll@email.arizona.edu. Both application and letter should be received by the deadline to apply: November 1, 2021.
Contact CERCLL with questions: cercll@email.arizona.edu.