CERCLL Faculty Research Fellow Program

The Center for Educational Resources in Culture, Language, and Literacy (CERCLL) offers an annual CERCLL Faculty Fellow competition, the purpose of which is to promote scholarly work connected to the mission of CERCLL as a Title VI National Language Resource Center, i.e., to research and develop the teaching of culture, language and literacy, especially within less commonly taught languages (LCTLs). Recipients create resources and webinars that can be found in the blog below.

These fellowships have been supported over the years by the University of Arizona’s College of Humanities and its Vice President for Research through the Office for Research, Innovation and Impact.

Guidelines to apply are here.





2016 Awardee: Jennifer L. Jenkins, Department of English

2016 Awardee: Jennifer L. Jenkins, Department of English

Repatriation and Tribe sourcing of Yaqui Easter Films from 1972  This collaboration between the University of Arizona, Old Pascua Museum and Yaqui Culture Center is an inclusive language and cultural preservation initiative: repurposing two films from 1972...

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2016 Awardee: Ben J. Colombi, American Indian Studies

2016 Awardee: Ben J. Colombi, American Indian Studies

Kamchatka, Russia: Strengthening Indigenous Youth Learning through the Use of Cultural Heritage and Language Learning Technologies Kamchatka youth lack interest and involvement in cultural heritage, language and history, likely due to the fact that few...

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