Learn to Teach with Social Networks: A Practical Guide for Intercultural Competence

Margherita Berti (University of Arizona) presented “Learn to Teach with Social Networks: A Practical Guide for Intercultural Competence”

This webinar illustrated how social networks, such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, can be utilized in language courses to foster intercultural competence. Pedagogical applications and practical suggestions were provided for using social networks and authentic social media with beginner and intermediate language learners. Participants received a teacher’s guide e-book, access to an online training site, and video tutorials to begin using social networks with their own students the very next day!

Margherita Berti is a doctoral student in Second Language Acquisition and Teaching (SLAT) at the University of Arizona and holds a master’s degree in Linguistics/TESL from Indiana State University. Her research specialization resides at the intersection of intercultural competence, educational technology, and curriculum and L2 content development.