Start date: August 3, 2017
End date: August 4, 2017
Time: 12:00 am - 12:00 am
Location: University of Austin - Texas

Summer Workshop | Building on the Promise of CLT: Learning to Author and Publish FLLITE Lessons

Presented by Joanna Luks, Cornell University, and Carl Blyth, COERLL & University of Texas at Austin, and hosted by COERLL at the University of Texas at Austin.

Faculty and graduate students attending the workshop will explore the literary aspects of sample texts, and work with workshop presenters to apply the the pedagogical principles of the Foreign Languages and the Literary in the Everyday (FLLITE) approach to creating a literacy lesson for their classroom.

About the FLLITE project
The FLLITE Project, sponsored by CERCLL (University of Arizona) and COERLL (University of Texas at Austin), takes the creative moments found in everyday language use as the basis for lessons in second language literacy. By emphasizing language play as central to communication, FLLITE lessons aim to develop language awareness as well as communicative abilities through the integration of speaking, reading, listening, and writing tasks.

The goal of the FLLITE Project is the publication of lessons based on authentic texts in both commonly and less-commonly taught languages, for example, blogs, Internet memes, YouTube videos, slam poetry, and so forth. When you submit a lesson, the FLLITE editorial board will give you feedback to improve your lesson for publication. In addition, you will learn how to adopt an open copyright license (Creative Commons) that gives the public the right to access, adapt, and re-use your lesson.

Cost: $5 for students, $20 for others
Includes 2 breakfasts, 2 lunches, 1 social event, and afternoon refreshments
Credits: CPE Credits are available for those who attend the whole workshop.