2020 Intercultural Competence Conference

Seventh International Conference on the
Development and Assessment of Intercultural Competence.

Internationalizing the Curriculum:
The Role of Intercultural Competence

on January 23-26, 2020, in Tucson, Arizona, and online.

Invited Presentations:
Adriana Diaz (University of Queensland – Australia)
Marianne Larsen (Western University – Canada)
Sharon Stein (University of British Columbia – Canada)

This biennial event brings together researchers and practitioners across languages, levels, and settings to discuss and share research, theory, and best practices, and to foster meaningful professional dialog on issues related to the development and assessment of Intercultural Competence, especially in a foreign or second language.

The 2020 ICC conference will take stock of current models for internationalizing curricula as well as the genealogies of these discussions. The organizers are interested in accounts of best practices as well as critical examinations of current trends and conceptual think pieces around what it might mean to internationalize higher education.

See the full CFP and topic description. Proposal submission deadline: May 31, 2019