LaTeS 2023 Archive

Sara Lee, Small Changes – Big Impact, Classrooms Strategies for More Inclusion, and Melanie Mello, Performance-Based Activities for the World Language Classroom. Fall 2023 LaTeS, October 28: Small Changes – Big Impact, Classrooms Strategies for More...

Spring LaTeS 2023

LaTeS is back! May 6, 2023   CERCLL’s Language Teacher Symposium (LaTeS) is normally a biannual in-person workshop at which K-12 language teachers can share ideas and issues that are specific to their community, leaving with methods and materials that they...

Social Networking for Intercultural Competence

Project Director: Margherita Berti, University of Arizona These resources provide language educators with pedagogical strategies and practical suggestions for implementing social networking sites (SNSs) and social media for intercultural competence in beginner and...

Intercultural Competence Conference

Intercultural Competence Conference Project Directors: Beatrice Dupuy and Chantelle Warner (UA).In collaboration with: the Interdisciplinary Ph.D. Program in Second Language Acquisition and Teaching (SLAT), CMES , CIUA, COH, and SBS at the UA; and several other...

Online & Hybrid Course Portal for Slavic Languages & Literatures

Project Directors: Liudmila Klimanova, University of Arizona; with Shannon Donnally Spasova, Michigan State University The LLC COMMONS is a web portal prototype for open source materials for online and hybrid use, built to respond to a national survey of online course...

LaTeS 2019 Archive

Francis Troyan, Genre Matters in Contextualized World Language Learning, and Kristin Davin, Strengthening your Core: Practices to Support Students’ Language Development. Fall 2019 LaTeS, November 16: Genre Matters in Contextualized World Language Learning...

Globalizing Text Exemplar Lists: Globalizing Reading Lists

Our students live in a global world. The opportunities we offer through literature in our classrooms can invite them into the richness of cultural diversity and global communities. To globalize the text exemplar lists included in standards documents that guide...

LaTeS 2018 Archive

Jacque Van Houten, Leveraging the Power of the Language and Intercultural Can-Dos; and Donna Clementi, Planning with the End in Mind: Performance toward Proficiency. Fall 2018 LaTeS, November 3: Leveraging the Power of the Language and Intercultural Can-Dos Presented...

2018 Summer Institute

CERCLL offered two professional development opportunities in summer 2018– a workshop series, Literacy in the Wild: Getting Foreign Language Learners out of the Classroom and into the World (June 4-8), and a summer institute, Reading Globally: Critical Issues in...

LaTeS 2017 Archive

Pamela Wesely, Social Justice in the Language Classroom: A New Lens on Learning; and Toni Theisen, Activating Communication: Designing Learning and Creating Meaningful Assessments. Fall 2017 LaTeS Social Justice in the Language Classroom: A New Lens on Learning...

2018 Summer Workshop Series

Two summer series are offered in 2018– a workshop series, Literacy in the Wild: Getting Foreign Language Learners out of the Classroom and into the World (June 4-8), and a summer institute, Reading Globally: Critical Issues in Global Literature for Children and...

L2 Digital Literacies Symposium

L2 Digital Literacies Symposium Project Directors: Jonathon Reinhardt and Chantelle Warner (UA) and Betul Czerkawski (UA South). In collaboration with: COH and SBS at the UA; and COERLL. As digital technologies continue to radically change the social acts of...

Globalizing the Common Core State Standards

Globalizing the Common Core State Standards Project Director: Kathy Short (UA).In collaboration with: UA College of Education. This project addresses the outdated and ethnocentric cultural perspectives in the lists of exemplars of text complexity used in the Common...

Reading Globally: Connecting Classrooms to the World

Reading Globally: Connecting Classrooms to the World Project Director: Kathy Short (UA) In collaboration with: UA College of Education and Worlds of Words An extension of CERCLL’s “Introducing Children and Adolescents to the World” project of 2006-2010, and the...

Foreign Languages and the Literary in the Everyday

Project Directors: Chantelle Warner (UA), Carl Blyth (University of Texas at Austin), Joanna Luks (Cornell University).In collaboration with: the Center for Open Educational Resources and Language Learning (COERLL) at the University of Texas at Austin. COERLL...

Film Clips for Foreign Language Culture and Literacy

Film Clips for Foreign Language Culture and Literacy Project Directors: Mark Kaiser (UC Berkeley) and Dr. Sonia Shiri (UA). In collaboration with: the Berkeley Language Center (UC Berkeley), and at the UA: the Center for Middle Eastern Studies (CMES), the Arabic...

Language Capital Project

Created by students in the Interdisciplinary Ph.D. program in Second Language Acquisition and Teaching (SLAT) at the University of Arizona with support from CERCLL, the Language Capital Project attempts to map out non-residential spaces where speakers of non-national...

Intercultural Sojourns

Exploring Intercultural Communicative Competence: A Multinational Perspective – Alvino E. Fantini, Project Director; with assistance from Ilene Todd, Project Assistant; and Joana Almeida and Cláudia Figuereido, Statisticians, Brattleboro, Vermont 05302, USA....

2016 Awardee: Jennifer L. Jenkins, Department of English

Repatriation and Tribe sourcing of Yaqui Easter Films from 1972  This collaboration between the University of Arizona, Old Pascua Museum and Yaqui Culture Center is an inclusive language and cultural preservation initiative: repurposing two films from 1972 about the...

2016 Awardee: Ben J. Colombi, American Indian Studies

Kamchatka, Russia: Strengthening Indigenous Youth Learning through the Use of Cultural Heritage and Language Learning Technologies Kamchatka youth lack interest and involvement in cultural heritage, language and history, likely due to the fact that few living native...

The Online Language Environment Board

Project Director: Garry Forger (U Arizona) [In collaboration with the Learning Technologies Center] Description: The Online Language Environments (OLE) Board is a web based threaded discussion instructional tool that utilizes voice, video and text to replicate the...

2017 Summer Workshop Series

Visual, Media and Digital Literacies in the Foreign Language Classroom The 2017 CERCLL Summer Workshop series will focus on the ways in which different forms of literacy can be incorporated into the language classroom. All workshops take place on the University of...