Leaders: Regents Professor Kathy G. Short, Dr. Dorea Kleker, and Narges Zandi (University of Arizona) Refugee Expert: Julie Kasper (University of Arizona) Authors: Kao Kalia Yang and Shifa Saltagi Safad June 2-5, 2025 9 am – 4 pm at Worlds of Words, at the...
Presented by Kathy G. Short, Dorea Kleker, and Narges Zandi (University of Arizona). With Julie Kasper (Childhood Education International) and participating writer/illustrator Erika Meza, author of To the Other Side. May 30-31, 2024, at the University of Arizona...
2023 Call for PLONS Participants: Conceptualizing and Creating the Syllabus A project by The Center for Advanced Research on Language Acquisition (CARLA) and the Center for Educational Resources in Culture, Language and Literacy (CERCLL), May 29 to August 7, 2023 Led...
CERCLL offered two professional development opportunities in summer 2018– a workshop series, Literacy in the Wild: Getting Foreign Language Learners out of the Classroom and into the World (June 4-8), and a summer institute, Reading Globally: Critical Issues in...
Two summer series are offered in 2018– a workshop series, Literacy in the Wild: Getting Foreign Language Learners out of the Classroom and into the World (June 4-8), and a summer institute, Reading Globally: Critical Issues in Global Literature for Children and...
Visual, Media and Digital Literacies in the Foreign Language Classroom The 2017 CERCLL Summer Workshop series will focus on the ways in which different forms of literacy can be incorporated into the language classroom. All workshops take place on the University of...
Texts Across Contexts: Teaching Foreign Languages and Cultures The 2016 CERCLL Summer Workshops focus on language learning through texts across various cultural and pedagogical contexts. The diverse set of workshops share in common an emphasis on the ways in...
Flagship Teacher Training Series, May 26 – June 5 (participants applied and were accepted into the program in April), and two independent workshops on June 5 and June 6. Friday, June 5 Engaging K-12 Students in Global Children’s and Adolescent Literature 9:00...
For a PDF version of the summer brochure, click here. Monday June 2, 2014 Engaging K-12 Students in Global Inquiry through Fiction and Nonfiction Literature (6 hours, 9am – 4pm) Presenters include: Kathy G. Short, Richard Clift, Ke Huang, Mi-Kyoung...
May 29-30, 2012 Speaking of Grants: Funding Possibilities for Language Educators Presenter: Dr. Susan Penfield (CERCLL, University of Arizona) Download the presentation slides and other materials from Day 1 and Day 2 of this workshop This workshop focused specifically...
May 31st – June 1st Playing Stories and Reading Games: Developing L2 Literacies through Digital Gaming Presenters: Jonathon Reinhardt (University of Arizona) and Julie Sykes (University of New Mexico) See an updated version of this presentation about gaming and...
June 1st – 2nd Developing Intercultural Competence in the Foreign Language Class: Why and How? Presenter: Gilberte Furstenberg (M.I.T) Materials can be download: Group presentations; Instructor presentation materials 2010; Handouts from this workshop This...
June 2nd – 3rd Exploring Universals in the Reading Process Presenters: David Yaden; Yetta Goodman; Kenneth Goodman; Yueh-Nu Hung; Koomi Kim; Mieko Iventosch; Misun Kim; Shaomei Wang This two-day workshop will focus upon the reading process and comprehension of...
June 13th – 14th Lesson Delivery in Student Centered Instruction: Putting Students First Presenter: Linda Landrum Participants will learn strategies to encourage student-centered learning in an integrative learning environment in which students may self-learn...