Exploring International and Intercultural Understanding through Global Literature by Susan Corapi and Kathy Short, provides examples of how K-12 teachers work together in study groups to integrate global children’s and adolescent literature in their schools. The guide...
October 15-20, 2018, in person at the University of Arizona and accessible online. Participation, a long-standing assessment category on language syllabi, has found a new conceptual life over the last few decades as digital literacies practices have become a part of...
In late Spring, 2018, four projects were awarded funding in the CERCLL Faculty Research Grant competition for work to take place during the summer and Fall: Using Design-based Implementation to Study Film School for Future Scientists, Jill Castek, Department of...
CERCLL co-director, Chantelle Warner, shares information about the mission, scope, and various contributions of CERCLL in this short presentation. View it here!
Working with Wenhao Diao in the University of Arizona’s Department of East Asian Studies, CERCLL will be organizing professional development that will take K-12 educators to China. The project will enable local K-16 educators to spend four weeks in China in summer...