CERCLL has lined up a series of three webinars focused on the theme of Social Justice in the language classroom. We invite you to participate in one, two, or all three of these FREE online professional development events.  During the registration process, participants who attend the live events can request a certificate for 1.5 hours of continuing education or apply for a digital badge after each webinar they attend.

Community members who are interested in this theme may wish to participate in the Tucson Humanities Festival in October: Towards Justice is a series of virtual presentations about what the ideals of justice mean today.

Cultural and Linguistic Competence through Social Justice

September 12, 2020, 10-11:30AM (Arizona)

In this webinar, presented by L. J. Randolph, Ed.D., associate professor of Spanish and Education and coordinator of the World Language Teacher Education Program, University of North Carolina, Wilmington, participants will discuss the various frameworks that inform social justice in language education and explore ways to connect critical and social justice-oriented pedagogies to language learning goals. The presenter will share authentic resources, lesson ideas, and sample activities for a variety of proficiency levels. The webinar will also include a specific emphasis on using technological tools for resource selection, student engagement, assessment, and professional development. Participants will leave with a better understanding of how social justice learning goals and activities can be effectively embedded into their existing curricula.

View the webinar recording here.



Transformative Learning in a Social Justice Oriented Language Classroom

October, 3, 2020, 10-11:30AM (Arizona)

Webinar presented by Stacey Margarita Johnson (Vanderbilt University).

Instructors building social justice into their language teaching often report that they hope their language classrooms will be sites of transformative learning and personal growth. As teachers, we want our teaching to make the world better and inspire students to become engaged citizens. Although we might hope for transformative learning, we don’t always know how it happens or how to guide our students through the process of transformation. This webinar will explore the steps in transformative learning, its connection to critical pedagogy and social justice, and, most importantly, ways language teachers can promote transformative learning through instructional choices that align with research and best practices in second language acquisition.

View the webinar recording here.



Some Considerations for Social Justice Teaching in a World Language Setting:

From Self to Students to World

October 17, 2020, 10-11:30AM (Arizona)

Webinar presented by Michelle Nicola (Portland Public Schools).

What do we mean when we say that we are social justice educators?  What are concrete actions that social justice educators take? What beliefs or mindsets do we adopt? This webinar will help educators define what they mean by social justice education, and offer suggestions for how to incorporate self-reflection, relationship building & curriculum design as tools to recognize and interrupt inequitable patterns and practices in our world language classrooms and beyond. Participants will also receive a few lesson plan ideas that they can build on to meet their own communities’ social justice goals.

View the webinar recording here.