The Ninth International Conference on the Development and Assessment of Intercultural Competence Intercultural Learning, Global Citizenship and Peacebuilding In 2015, The United Nations (UN) adopted a 2030 agenda, which included peace at its core. Based on this blueprint, the UN member states agreed to… Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels. Peacebuilding here is focused at the macrolevel of government actors and...
Join us for the annual UArizona Language Fair! Date: April 5, 2023 Time: 11:00 am – 2:00 pm Location: University of Arizona Mall, across from the Memorial Student Union and Old Main The Center for Educational Resources in Culture, Language and Literacy (CERCLL) will host the annual UArizona Language Fair on April 5, 2023, an event designed to raise the visibility of the wide range of languages that students study at The University of Arizona. Departments, programs, and UA student clubs representing the...
LaTeS is back! May 6, 2023 CERCLL’s Language Teacher Symposium (LaTeS) is normally a biannual in-person workshop at which K-12 language teachers can share ideas and issues that are specific to their community, leaving with methods and materials that they can implement into their own classrooms. Because of the pandemic, we have not been able to host this event since 2019, and we are excited to be back in-person with LaTeS once again! Performance-Based Activities for the World...
Global Literacy Communities: Creating Curriculum That Is Intercultural The Worlds of Words Center of Global Literacies and Literatures (WOW), in partnership with the Center for Educational Resources in Culture, Language and Literacy (CERCLL), presents a free guide by Cynthia K. Ryman and Kathy G. Short. This publication provides examples of how PreK-12 teachers worked together to integrate global literature into their classrooms, particularly around a curriculum framework that encourages students to develop intercultural understanding. The guide includes links to teacher...
We are accepting applications for the 2023 CERCLL Faculty Fellows Competition! Apply for an award by the extended deadline! Monday, March 13, 2023. The CERCLL Faculty Fellows program promotes scholarly work connected to the mission of CERCLL as a Title VI National Language Resource Center: to research and develop the teaching of culture, language and literacy, especially within less commonly taught languages (LCTLs). In 2023, we particularly invite proposals focused upon research related to social justice and inclusive pedagogies, multimodality...
Worlds of Experience for Language Learning (WELL), a CERCLL funded project, is recruiting for the new Spring 2023 cohort of K-12 and community college language teachers (see the flyer). The WELL project aims to help language teachers construct and design Virtual Field Experiences (VFEs) that make the most of immersive, digital resources to bring the world alive in the classroom. VFEs promote language learning and global understanding across teaching contexts. Participate and collaborate...
CERCLL is offering a series of professional development webinars for language educators over the course of the 2022-2023 academic year, in which presenters bring newer, multiliteracies approaches to address traditional topics in language teaching. Participants who attend these webinars live can request a certificate of attendance for 1.5 hours of continuing education for each of these events. In addition, live attendees will be contacted after each webinar with information about how to apply for a digital badge. You can...
We are seeking a Student Outreach Assistant to join our team! This position is for an undergraduate student enrolled in a program in-person at the University of Arizona. Please share with undergraduate students who might be interested in working with us! We’d like to hire an energetic person who can work well with individuals from diverse backgrounds, and as part of a team. The ideal candidate is someone who who has a background in foreign language and/or international culture/global studies...
Dr. Beatrice Dupuy, CERCLL Co-Director, has been recognized with the University of Arizona’s Graduate Interdisciplinary Programs (GIDP) Honored Faculty award! She was nominated for this award by the Second Language Acquisition and Teaching (SLAT) Program for her dedication, time, and service to both SLAT and to GIDP. She served as the Chair of the GIDP Advisory Council (2018-2020) and prior to that as a member, and acted as a reviewer for various GIDP awards; she served as the Chair of...
We are excited to announce that Dr. Chantelle Warner, CERCLL Co-Director, has been recognized wth the Chatfield Outstanding Tenured Researcher Award, from the University of Arizona’s College of Humanities. Dr. Warner was nominated for this award by a group of UArizona faculty and staff who are inspired by her impressive achievements, and many of whom are honored to collaborate and work with her on various projects. They described her commendable record of publications and grants, her exemplary teaching and advising, ...