Author: C. Bothelo “I feel very strongly that the ideal shouldn’t be mastery of another language, because that’s an unachievable goal and holding it up as the aim just makes students feel hopeless… We should emphasise the pleasures of languages, rather than the need for complete competence.” —Marina Warner, “English that’s good enough: The mastery of English is not the intimidating ideal any non-native should seek: a smattering will do.” The Guardian, March 13 2012. Having attended the Multilingual, 2.0? symposium this...
Author: C. Botelho For those teaching in a non-language discipline, is it possible to incorporate second language acquisition/pedagogy into the cirriculum? According to Dr. Julian Hermida, the answer is “yes.” Dr. Hermida argues that just as writing across the disciplines needed to be addressed in undergraduate courses, so too does the teaching and learning of a second language. Some of the proposed means to accomplish this endeavor include: Choose a second language (L2) and connect it to your course. This...
Author: K. Peckenpaugh A recent article from the Chronicle of Higher Education (“Business Schools Worldwide Fall Short on Globalization, Report Says”) notes the results of a three-year study on globalization undertaken by an international task force of business school leaders. The report highlights a number of curricular gaps, such as that between overseas experience and curricular content, noting that “most business schools place more emphasis on studying abroad than on developing and integrating global content within the curriculum.” The overall conclusion?...
Author: C. Botelho The United States does not have an official language, although 31 states have adopted English as an official state language. In Puerto Rico, Spanish and English are both official languages, with Spanish being the dominant language and English being required for all federal matters. This has not stopped GOP presidential primary candidates Mitt Romney and Rick Santorum from advocating for some sort of “Official English” policy as a condition for Puerto Rican statehood. Romney has retreated from...
Author: Sasha Kuchuk In February, CERCLL has co-sponsored the Where Are Your Keys?workshop presented by the American Indian Language Development Insitute (AILDI) at the University of Arizona. During this workshop, Evan Gardner, the original developer of Where Are Your Keys? (WAYK) – a game-based system for acquiring languages, and other WAYK team members have introduced about 40 participants to the WAYK system and have helped them to start acquiring Apache, O’odham, and Navajo. WAYK is a game, a system, and a philosophy. WAYK sessions are...
Author: C.Botelho Do you have a great idea for a project, but aren’t sure how to get started…or how to pay for it? Given ongoing cuts to education on the state and national levels, educators may find it necessary (or even be required) to actively seek “outside” funding for programs and courses. If you’ve never submitted a grant proposal, it may seem a daunting task…of course, for those who have submitted proposals, it’s still a daunting task. Fortunately, our own...
Project Directors: Jonathon Reinhardt (University of Arizona) and Julie Sykes (University of New Mexico) Digital games are socio-cultural practices and products, and gaming has become a mainstream, global cultural force. Applied linguists and FL educators have noted that gameplay is mediated by language use and social interaction, thereby also making it a potentially rich context for language acquisition. Off-the-shelf and online digital games are produced by a diversity of countries in a variety of languages. Despite the interest in and...
Project Director: Dr. Samira Farwaneh, Associate Professor, Arabic Language and Linguistics Project Assistant: Mohammed Tamimi, SLAT Ph.D. Candidate The L2 (or interlanguage) written Arabic corpus project is a gradually expanding database of written samples produced by L2 and heritage students studying Arabic as a second or foreign language. Most essays in the collection were initially handwritten, and later carefully typed by one assistant and proofread by another to ensure that errors in the originals were not unconsciously corrected by the...
From May 31 to June 10, 2011, CERCLL hosted its fourth summer series of professional development workshops tailored for K-16 language educators and university/graduate students. Educators were able to choose from six “hands-on” workshops that covered topics such as digital gaming, pedagogy of multiliteracies, teaching for literacy and semiotic awareness, visual arts, process drama and the basics of intercultural communication. Kicking off this year’s series was a two-day workshop that sprang from one of CERCLL’s core projects and was led...
Author: C. Botelho In a recent Chronicle of Higher Education article, Ian Wilhelm describes the 2013 White House budget proposal as a “mixed bag” for international educators. Of particular concern is the status of the Department of Education Title VI program, which funds 150 academic centers in the U.S., including CERCLL and 14 other Language Resource Centers (LRCs). President Obama would improve Title VI funding by 2.5% ($1.7 million) in the 2013 fiscal year. As Wilhelm notes, this “small increase [is] primarily to...