A Sociolinguistic Inquiry of American Study Abroad Students in China This project aims to investigate and document the authentic language use among American study abroad students in China. Research has shown that study abroad students often lack the opportunities or the sociolinguistic competence to interact with the local people when abroad. This project draws upon the language socialization theory to examine how American study abroad students use language to construct and normalize cultural identities when they interact with their Chinese...
Kamchatka, Russia: Strengthening Indigenous Youth Learning through the Use of Cultural Heritage and Language Learning Technologies. A webinar presented by Dr. Benedict Columbi about a project for which he received a CERCLL Faculty Research Grant in 2016. ABSTRACT: Kamchatka youth lack interest and involvement in cultural heritage, language and history, likely due to the fact that few living native speakers exist in the Kamchatka Peninsula, Russia. Concurrently, on the Kamchatka Peninsula, an absence of public citizenship involvement and civic engagement...
Repatriation and Tribesourcing of Yaqui Easter Films from 1972 Jennifer L. Jenkins was awarded a CERCLL Faculty Research grant in 2016 for a collaborative, inclusive language and cultural preservation initiative: repurposing two films from 1972 about the Yaqui people’s sacred Easter ceremonies. Made by National Geographic, these films now have value to the Yaqui people as documents of people, landscape, and cultural practices in a moment-in-time 40 years ago. The project created new digital scans and newly recorded Yaqui narrations...
Author: Merica McNeil Want to talk about culture with your students, but not sure how to break the ice? As a starting point, it can be helpful to find out about their ideas regarding culture and the basis for these ideas. For example, what experiences have they had encountering other cultures? What challenges did they have? How did they deal with these challenges? What were the results? If they knew then what they know now, would they have dealt with...
Author: Merica McNeil Chinese teacher training was offered by the Confucius Institute at the University of Arizona on Saturday, December 7 from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. This event was co-sponsored by CERCLL and attended mostly by K-12 teachers of Chinese working in Arizona. The morning workshop was led by Dr. Wenhao Diao, who recently joined The University of Arizona as an Assistant Professor in the Department of East Asian Studies and as an affiliated faculty member in the graduate program...
Author: Justin Parry On November 10–11, CERCLL was sponsoring The Tucson Symposium on Indigenous Knowledge and Digital Literacies. This event was funded by the National Science Foundation’s “Cyberlearning: Transforming Education” program, and involved a partnership with the American Indian Language Development Institute (AILDI) and members of four southwest indigenous communities. The central goal of this symposium was to work with members from small communities as co-researchers investigating the viability of digital games, in this case using ARIS software, as a...
Author: Justin Parry We at CERCLL had something to celebrate this September 11: Dr. Brenda Dann-Messier, Assistant Secretary for Vocational and Adult Education and Acting Assistant Secretary of Education, and Dr. Sharon Lee Miller, Director of the Division of Academic and Technical Education, came to a roundtable held in their honor at The University of Arizona on the southwest leg of the U.S. Department of Education’s Back-to-School Bus Tour. The event began with Drs. Béatrice Dupuy and Linda Waugh providing an...
Author: Justin Parry The US Department of Education’s annual back-to-school bus tour is underway! This week-long bus tour has the theme of “Strong Start, Bright Future”, and takes place in the US Southwest states of New Mexico, Texas, Arizona, and California. You can read more about this bus tour on this site. As part of this tour Dr. Brenda Dann-Messier, The Assistant Secretary for Vocational and Adult Education and Acting Assistant Secretary of Postsecondary Education of the US Department of Education,...
Innovative Technology in the Language Classroom A professional development workshop for language instructors; open to faculty and instructors from all languages December 14, 2013 at The University of Arizona, Marshall Building Room 490 Session I Fostering Multiliteracies through a Global Simulation: A Curricular Development Project in Intermediate French Dr. Beatrice Dupuy, Faculty of the Interdisciplinary Ph.D. Program in Second Language Acquisition Training (SLAT) and Professor of French; Kristen Michelson, SLAT Ph.D. Candidate, Instructor of French, and Study Abroad Coordinator; Elyse...
Author: Justin Parry Do you feel like exploring some online language tools over the summer to practice your own language skills, or want some ideas for the future? Here are five more tools, as a continuation of the first part of ten online tools for language learning: 6. Listen and Write This site features a tool for transcribing various audio sources, including speech and songs from mp3s and YouTube video. Listen and Write currently has audio in 22 different languages...