Grants Available for Literacy Communities to Explore Intercultural Understanding Deadline to Apply: July 15, 2020 Worlds of Words and CERCLL are excited to announce a second round of grants in the Global Literacy Communities project. These $1000 grants support communities in the use of global literature and world languages to build intercultural understanding. Global children’s and young adult literature provides an opportunity for teachers and students to explore understandings about global cultures that go beyond surface information to explore the values...
A resource created by Emily Hellmich, University of Arizona. Moving (quickly!) into online teaching environments does not mean the end of working with texts in the language, literature, and culture classroom. And in some cases, it can be an opportunity to push student thinking about texts, engaging them in new literacy practices that intentionally and creatively use digital platforms. This (free) resource includes ideas on how to work with texts in online/remote teaching that Emily Hellmich has used in her...
The L2 Digital Literacies Symposium (L2DL) is a biennial international event offering an array of online and face-to-face sessions that allow academics to make connections across the globe. In 2020, the conference explores intersections between international education, digital literacies, and virtual exchange. The organizers invite submissions for digital presentations related to these themes. Participants may attend presentations virtually or in-person; there is no fee to take part in this event. Virtual presentations will be available during the week of October...
CERCLL is hosting two upcoming live webinars that address the production and use of online resources. 1) Gillian Lord (University of Florida) will present The world is not flat, so why are our textbooks? April 17, 11 am Arizona (11 am PDT / 2 pm EDT) Details (and a link to register) are here. Cosponsored by the College of Humanities. 2) On May 18, Shelley Staples (University of Arizona) will present a webinar on the use of the Multilingual...
Developed by Margherita Berti, this guide provides language educators with pedagogical strategies and practical suggestions for implementing social networking sites (SNSs) and social media in language courses to promote intercultural competence. Modern technology has enabled the sharing of content with people from around the world, and today it is easier than ever to access digital resources created by speakers of the target language. According to the Pew Research Center (2018), 73% of adults in the United States own a desktop...
Project Director: Margherita Berti, University of Arizona These resources provide language educators with pedagogical strategies and practical suggestions for implementing social networking sites (SNSs) and social media for intercultural competence in beginner and intermediate FL courses. SNSs offer a great amount of authentic digital materials and provide opportunities for meaningful and contextualized communication. This modern resource assists teachers interested in integrating and exploiting SNSs in their own language courses. Three platforms, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, were evaluated for classroom and...
CERCLL is Inviting applications for the 2020 CERCLL Graduate Fellow program. Application deadline: March 4, 2020. The CERCLL Graduate Fellows Program is a one-semester professional development opportunity for foreign language GATs at the University of Arizona. Fellowships are intended to support work on projects related to CERCLL’s mission as a national language resource center. The current call for applications is for fellowships to be granted for one semester in Fall 2020 or Spring 2021. Fellowships are the equivalent of a...
Intercultural Competence Conference Project Directors: Beatrice Dupuy and Chantelle Warner (UA).In collaboration with: the Interdisciplinary Ph.D. Program in Second Language Acquisition and Teaching (SLAT), CMES , CIUA, COH, and SBS at the UA; and several other Language Resource Centers: CALPER, Center for Advanced Research on Language Acquisition (CARLA), National Foreign Language Resource Center (NFLRC) and CASLS. This project is a continuation of a successful biennial conference previously hosted by CERCLL ( The conference series serves three key purposes: (1) to...
If you are going to the ACTFL convention in Washington DC, be sure to visit the Language Resource Centers‘ booth in the exhibit Hall, where you will find a plethora of information about resources and opportunities made available by the sixteen LRCs across the nation. Also consider attending these presentations by faculty and students at the University of Arizona, and others where CERCLL resources and collaborations are featured. (Find the abstracts in the ACTFL online searchable program.) Friday, November 22...
As an extension of the Film Clips for Foreign Language Culture and Literacy project, Dr. Mark Kaiser (Associate Director of the Berkeley Language Center at the University of California Berkeley) considers the affordances of the film clip in the foreign language curriculum in this webinar. It is divided into three sections. Part 1 considers film as one genre of video texts and the advantages that film presents vis-à-vis other genres of video texts. Part 2 looks at the role that...