CERCLL is Inviting applications for the 2020 CERCLL Graduate Fellow program.

Application deadline: March 4, 2020.

The CERCLL Graduate Fellows Program is a one-semester professional development opportunity for foreign language GATs at the University of Arizona. Fellowships are intended to support work on projects related to CERCLL’s mission as a national language resource center. The current call for applications is for fellowships to be granted for one semester in Fall 2020 or Spring 2021.  Fellowships are the equivalent of a .25 GA position, and applicants must follow UA regulations surrounding maximum FTE, and required number of course units, etc.

See complete details about how to apply: https://coh-arizona.com/cercll/graduate-fellows/ 

See details about the 2019 awardee projects here (materials forthcoming). Also click here for an activity that serves as an example of the kind of project / resulting materials that are encouraged in the Fellows program.