An open website was created by Project Leaders Wenhao Diao (University of Arizona), Yang Xiao-Desai (San Francisco State University), and Yi Xu (University of Pittsburgh), to respond to the dearth of research focusing on FL education in K-12 contexts (Urlaub & Watzinger-Tharp, 2016), and also to the fact that K-12 language teacher preparation programs do not address the specific linguistic and cultural issues of LCTLs like Chinese–which was the most studied language in the K-12 context at the time of this project, and the focus of their study.

Completed in 2024, the website includes themes that were developed from surveys and interviews involving 221 K-12 Chinese language teachers from across the United States, and a resource page designed for teacher trainers and novice teachers alike to identify various kinds of professional development opportunities and teaching materials.

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