CERCLL is offering a series of professional development webinars for language educators over the course of the 2022-2023 academic year, in which presenters bring newer, multiliteracies approaches to address traditional topics in language teaching. Participants who attend these webinars live can request a certificate of attendance for 1.5 hours of continuing education for each of these events. In addition, live attendees will be contacted after each webinar with information about how to apply for a digital badge.


Update: for the Spring 2023 webinar details, see: https://coh-arizona.com/cercll/blog/springnewtakeswebinars/


You can now access all videos in this series on our YouTube channel.

Using Language Forms to Communicate About Texts: A Multiliteracies Perspective

Wednesday, November 2, 2022, 4-5:30 PM (Arizona)

To see the time of this event where you are, visit: https://tinyurl.com/bdzxjnkm.

Webinar presented by Kate Paesani (University of Minnesota)


This webinar will challenge the common misconception that multiliteracies pedagogy and the instruction of language forms are incompatible. To do so, we will consider grammar and vocabulary as textual resources that prepare learners to work with texts, help them understand how texts are constructed, and improve their ability to communicate about texts. Using the four knowledge processes of multiliteracies pedagogy as a framework, we will discuss how to adapt and enhance your existing toolkit of grammar and vocabulary activities to infuse language forms throughout text-based lessons.


Further details and the link to register are here.

Poetry and Creative Texts in Any Language Classroom

Saturday, December 10, 2022, 10-11:30 AM (Arizona)

To see the time of this event where you are, visit: https://tinyurl.com/5bsu5v6p

Webinar presented by Amanda Shufflebarger (Indiana University East)

Ian educational era characterized by censorship debates and standards-aligned instruction, classroom texts can be regarded as a liability at worst and a means to achieving a curricular end, at best, rather than as a humanizing invitation to engage with, enjoy, and even play with language. In addition, some of the most vulnerable learners can be redirected away from creative activities in well-intentioned but misplaced attempts to reduce opportunity gaps (Wilson et al., 2021) or reverse pandemic learning loss (Goldhaber et al., 2022). However, rather than detract from literacy activities, poetry and creative texts can promote rigor and interestsupporting students as they engage with language in complex ways. In addition, undertaking creative activities can broaden teachers’ understanding of the creative ways our students make meaning with language.  

In this webinar, Dr. Shufflebarger will share multiliteracies approaches to incorporating poetry and creative texts into any classroom. Drawing from K-12, university, and community-based adult language contexts, she will review the theoretical underpinnings of incorporating poetry into language classroomsshare a variety of instructional activities, and discuss strategies for organizing activities within a broader course curriculum. Participants will be invited to share ideas and practices they incorporate into their own teaching contexts.


Further details and the link to register are here.

Spring 2023

Complete details about next year’s events in this series will be announced in the coming weeks. Save the dates for webinars from the following presenters (titles to come later):

Bruna Sommer-Farias

(Michigan State University)
January 26, 2023

on genre-based tasks

Christelle Palpacuer-Lee

(Rutgers University)
February 28, 2023

on multiliteracies in the art museum

Elyse Petit

(Santa Rosa Junior College)
March 22, 2023

on digital story-telling