Start date: October 19, 2020
End date: October 24, 2020
Time: 12:00 am - 12:00 am
Location: Online

Accessible entirely online, the L2 Digital Literacies Symposium (L2DL) is a biennial international event offering an array of synchronous and asynchronous sessions that allow academics to make connections across the globe. In 2020, the conference focuses upon the theme of Critical Transnational Dialogue and Virtual Exchange, and explores intersections between international education, digital literacies, and virtual exchange.

Virtual presentations selected from submitted proposals will be available during the week of October 19-24, and attendees are encouraged to participate in synchronous and asynchronous discussion that will take place through October 23; professional development credentials will be provided for presenters and attendees who participate in these activities. The symposium will culminate in livestreamed, invited presentations that will take place on October 23 and 24.

The symposium schedule and presentation details are on the L2DL website. Access all the details and the link to registration there.