CERCLL is hosting two upcoming live webinars that address the production and use of online resources.


1) Gillian Lord (University of Florida) will present The world is not flat, so why are our textbooks?

April 17, 11 am Arizona (11 am PDT / 2 pm EDT)

Details (and a link to register) are here. Cosponsored by the College of Humanities.


2) On May 18, Shelley Staples (University of Arizona) will present a webinar on the use of the Multilingual Academic Corpus of Assignments – Written and Spoken (MACAWS) project resources and implementing other Data-driven Learning (DDL) principles in the classroom. Check out the MACAWS resources in Portuguese and Russian before the webinar.

May 18, 9 am Arizona (9 am PDT / Noon EDT)

Details (and a link to register) are here. Cosponsored by the College of Social and Behavioral Sciences.


Both webinars are free to attend!