K-16 Initiatives

Project Director: Beatrice Dupuy; Project Collaborators and Consultants: Sophie Renoult (Douglas High School, AZ), Sheilah Nicholas (UA), and Betul Czerkawski (UA South).
In collaboration with: CIUA, CMES, College of Education (COE), and the College of Humanities (COH) at the UA, and with the Center for Advanced Language Proficiency (CALPER), CASLS, and UA South.

CERCLL has had a professional development series since its inception in 2006; this project is a continuation of those endeavors—workshops and symposia that have been filled to capacity in recent years, and which meet the needs demonstrated by L2 educators and other professionals regionally and nationally who have responded to surveys distributed by CERCLL. K-16 Initiatives (1) continues LaTeS (Language Teacher Symposium), a series of biannual one-day events held during the academic year at the University of Arizona for K-12 language teachers and featuring workshops led by acclaimed teachers (e.g. recipients of the ACTFL Language Teacher of the Year Award), (2) hosts summer workshops and institutes for K-16 teachers, with professional development focusing on special topics including Innovative Technologies for Advanced Language and Cultural Learning (2015), Texts Across Contexts (2016),  Visual, Media and Digital Literacies in the Foreign Language Classroom (2017), Literacy in the Wild (2018), and Reading Globally (2018), led by several CERCLL project directors and beyond), (3) connected workshops and talks on integrating digital and media literacies (e.g. “Augmented Reality Interactive Story-telling Games for Mobile-Assisted Language Learning” and “Reality Games for Native Languages: Aris 2.0”);  and (4) create professional learning community forums, which will also serve as focus groups for future K-16 Initiatives content.

These events often have travel funding available for educators visiting in-person events from outside southern Arizona.