Innovative Technology in the Language Classroom

A professional development workshop for language instructors; open to faculty and instructors from all languages

December 14, 2013
at The University of Arizona, Marshall Building Room 490

Session I
Fostering Multiliteracies through a Global Simulation: A Curricular Development Project in Intermediate French
Dr. Beatrice Dupuy, Faculty of the Interdisciplinary Ph.D. Program in Second Language Acquisition Training (SLAT) and Professor of French; Kristen Michelson, SLAT Ph.D. Candidate, Instructor of French, and Study Abroad Coordinator; Elyse Petit, SLAT Ph.D. Candidate and GAT in Basic French

Session II
Facebook and Second Language Acquisition: Evidence for the Pedagogical Value of Using Social Networking in L2 Settings and Hands on Application
Paolo Renigar, SLAT Ph.D. Candidate and GAT in Italian

Session III
The Use of Technology to Create Multimedia Documents in a Foreign Language
Dr. Robert Ariew, SLAT Program Chair; Tara Hashemi, M.A. Candidate in French and GAT in Basic French

Session IV
Integrating Technology in the Curriculum
Dr. Sonia Shiri, Academic Director for the Arizona Arabic Flagship Program, Assistant Professor, University of Arizona Middle East Language Coordinator

Click the pdf for full details.

The free workshop was organized for the University of Arizona’s Arabic Flagship program by the Flagship Program, CERCLL, the Graduate Interdisciplinary Program in Second Language Acquisition & Teaching, and the School of Middle East and North African Studies.