As digital technologies continue to radically change the social acts of communication in which we engage, boundaries once taken for granted between various modes and medialities, between consumption and production have begun to break down. Digital, networked communication forms afford new literacies—new forms of interaction, meanings, and understandings of ourselves and the world around us; thus, they also demand new pedagogical approaches and perspectives. The Digital Literacies project arose as a way to provide educators, practitioners, and researchers a space in which to explore the wide array of practices captured by the concept of digital literacies as they relate to particular circumstances of learning and living in a second or additional language and culture: in October 2014, CERCLL hosted the first symposium in this series, “Digital Literacies in and Beyond the L2 Classroom”, with online posters accepted from among a pool of submissions and with opportunities for synchronous and asynchronous exchange with the authors, as well as an in-person event consisting of a roundtable discussion, keynote presentation, and assessment of the posters. The symposium takes place every two years, with two primary and interrelated goals: (1) to provide a forum within which various stakeholders (teachers, administrators, researchers) can consider how to integrate digital literacies into language classrooms, study abroad programs, and other forms of structured language learning, and (2) to provide a set of resources related to digital literacies and language teaching.

See details about this biennial event and the 2020 symposium (October 19-24, 2020) on the theme of Critical Transnational Dialogue and Virtual Exchange, on the L2DL Website.