Inviting applications from University of Arizona faculty for 2019 Research Fellow grants.

The application deadline for awards to be made for work taking place in Summer 2019 is March 25, 2019.

The CERCLL Faculty Research Grant program promotes scholarly work connected to the mission of CERCLL as a Title VI National Language Resource Center, namely to research and develop the teaching of culture, language and literacy, especially within less commonly taught languages (LCTLs). These awards provide up to $5,000 to tenured/tenure-eligible and career-track faculty at the University of Arizona. In 2019, we particularly invite proposals that prioritize faculty/student mentorship, and seed grant proposals, but other proposals will be considered as well. Funds may be used for most justifiable purposes excluding faculty salary/supplemental compensation, travel not associated with the execution of the project, and course-related expenses. Some of the funding must be applied to student work.

2019 Research Fellows will create resources based on their project that will be shared within the CERCLL community: sample classroom materials, a white paper or teacher manual; a webinar; and a presentation in the SLAT Colloquium series.


These grants are supported by the University of Arizona’s College of Humanities. 

Application deadline: March 25, 2019.

See the complete application guidelines for more information about the kinds of projects that are eligible (including CERCLL Fellows funded in the past) and the application process.

Contact CERCLL with questions: